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Felix's POV
"What in Boochbeard just happened!" Faith yelled. You and Monkey King ran to Egg Foo. He groaned as you helped him off the broken table. "Monkey King? Am I dead?" He moaned rubbing his wings. "No Fooy, these pirates just saved you from Moo himself." "That bastard, he disguised himself as the emperor with some magic." He groaned. "The Map!" He yelled when he realized the scene around in. Your head lowered. "It's gone." You mumbled. "No, it can't be." He said covering his face with his feathers. You led him to everyone else. Kane was nowhere to be found. Clockworks lay scattered and broken across the throne room floor. "So what happens when the guards come in here and find the Emperor of Mooshu dead." Josh spoke annoyed. "I'd hope they'd think it was the clockworks." Faith replied. "Yeah cause clockworks use a cutlas." You replied crossing your arms. "Kane got away and we didn't even notice." Kai spoke up, frowning. "Come on, let's find Serena, see if she's okay." You spoke. The group nodded. Egg Foo and Monkey King stood by the Emperor's body. "I fear this is the end of our journey together pirates. I am blessed to be apart of another fine crew." Monkey King offered the 5 of you a smile. "Thank you Pirates, Monkey and I will clean up this mess, we'll try our best to clear the situation." Egg Foo bowed. You returned the bow, he smiled. "You are always welcome back here, I am forever in your debt." Egg Foo replied. "Careful Fooy, Pirates will take that to Heart." Monkey King smirked. "Wait, Monkey King, Kane said that was Ronan, but then said he was dead." Ryan spoke up. You and Faith's eyes widening as you thought about the fight. "You see pirates, as El Toro protected Cool Ranch, we had our own vigilante. He was a blessing to the poor, keeping the clockworks off our docks for years. Unfortunately he lost his life to Kane  years ago. We haven't had anyone brave enough since then." He spoke. "Ronin the Ronan, a savior to the spiral." Egg Foo mentioned. They waved you off as you snuck through the back door.

Serena's POV
when you dashed through the roof, you quickly removed the mask, the armor disappearing to your regular uniform. "Shadow dance." You snuck your way back to the dock. Sitting on a bench.
A few moments later you noticed the other 5 walking towards you. They looked rough. "Rena? We're glad you're okay." Faith said hugging you. "Honestly be glad you didn't come, it was a trap." Ryan spoke up. "A trap?" You pretended to be confused. "Manchu and Kane have been working together. The Emperor is Dead and the map piece along with Kane got away." You frowned. "What the hell. Are you guys alright? Where's Monkey King? Did you find Egg Foo." You questioned. "Egg Foo was under his control, he's okay now, he and Monkey are going to try to amend the situation at stake." Kai replied. You nodded. "So now what?" Ryan asked upset. "He's right, where do we go from here?" Felix spoke up. "Well, we start from where we began. Maybe Avery will have some more advice." Faith gleamed. "Good thought hun, it'll give us time to regroup with our studies and get a better plan." Kai replied. "Alright, Skull Island it is."

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