Captain Gunn

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Kai's POV
You followed Josh and Felix. "Wow this ship must be over 100 years old." Felix gasped in awe. You made a face noticing something weird in the corner. You walked over to the dark part of the wreck. A captain chair sat, surround by gold chests and sacks filled with doubloons and jewels. In the chair sat a skeleton, his Mauraders Hat tilted on the bones. He held a gold chalice in his hand. Josh had walked over peering over your shoulder. "I dare you to touch it." He laughed. "Pft, I dare YOU to touch it." You mocked back. "Okay, I will." He spoke confidently. Felix had walked over to see what they were on about. Josh began to reach his hand out, Felix gasping smacking his hand away. "Do you know who that is!!!" Felix hissed. Josh raised his hands in defense. "I'm sure, I do know you could've just said, 'Hey, don't touch that' he laughed rubbing his hand. "Look," Felix pointed to the name painted above the captains chair. The Black Pearl. "That's Captain Gunn's ship." You whispered in awe. "Captain Gunn? Didn't he try to band together a group of rogue pirates trying to find El Dorado." Josh questioned. "Yeah, his ship wrecked here in skull island, and he disappeared when townsmembers came to search the wreckage for survivors. "This is making me uneasy, shall we get back to the others?" Felix asked. Josh turned to follow him out the broken door, you turned around once more. "You're dead what do you need it for." You whispered, snatching the chalice from the dusty bones. you stuff it in your satchel. Running to catch up with the guys. Faith and the others stood by the meet up spot. "Woah, what happened to you guys." Josh joked. "Dorsel." Ryan stated, wiping dirt off his attire. "Yeah ya know, just a crazy deranged shark. Nothing major." Serena joked. Ryan smirked, "but we didn't leave empty handed." He noted. Faith reached into her satchel pulling out a piece of a map. You snatched the hide from her. "Hey, Kai!" She began but you cut her off. "Where'd you get this?" You asked concerned. Serena stepped forward, taking it from my hand. "Obviously from the shark." She stated examining it. "Hmm, I lost a piece similar when the armada ambushed me." She spoke. You sighed rubbing your face dramatically. "That's why I'm asking, my mom gave me a piece of map similar! I have it in my dorm." You stated. "Interesting." Josh mumbled. "Now that you mention it, my grandpa gave me a box that belonged to my dad before he died, it had a piece of map similar to it as well. Donated the box a long time ago." Ryan spoke up. "So we all have had possession of a map piece once in our lives?" Felix asked. "Sounds like it." Faith replied. "Maybe we show Avery, see what he says." Josh stated. "I mean, that's the best lead we have for clues at this moment." Serena stated. You all agreed, riding your mounts to Avery's Headquarters

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