Michael Gray [Peaky Blinders]

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Finn, John, and Arthur were sat in their little snug in the Garrison, drinking their whiskey and smoking their cigarettes like usual.

In the meantime you found Isaiah and Michael, both bloody and bruised. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Just a small fight at the Marquis, nothing serious."

Seconds later you walked into the familiar pub, pulling both boy's inside by their ears, furiously entering the snug. "Should be fucking glad I didn't murder you on the streets."

The Shelbys looked up from their conversation in confusion, briefly watching how you received another bottle of whiskey, as well as a glass and a cloth from Harry through the window.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" "Your stupid cousin and his friend, who seems to be sharing a braincell with him, got beaten up at a fucking pub."

Quickly Michael butted into the chat as you poured some of the liquor into the extra glass. "We beat someone up, not the other way around."

"Well? What exactly happened?" "Someone at the Marquis of Lorne tried to stop me and Isaiah from drinking. But we faught them off. We had to stand our ground and we did, Arthur."

Impressed the brothers got up, Finn already putting out his cigarette, only to be pushed back down from the older men. "The Marquis, eh? Where's your dad?"

As you sat down Isaiah shrugged, only having one option on his mind. "Preachin'." Dipping the cloth into the alcohol you pulled Michael's hand towards you, starting to take care of his fucked up knuckles.

"Alright, you stay here." The brother's made their way out, Finn looking after them in annoyance. "Where're you going?" "Won't be long. Stay 'ere" "Don't knick any of me chips, Finn."

Once they left Polly's son turned towards the other three. "Where are they going?" "Marquis of Lorne. Shame. It was a nice pub."

Suddenly Michael winced from the way you pressed down on his injuries. "Don't you fucking complain. This is your fault, live with the consequences now."

Finn and Isaiah briefly 'oh'-d by your harsh words, making you glance at the Jesus boy. "You shut up, you're no angel in this situation. Fucking brainless monkeys. Can look for another bitch to tend your wounds next time."

Soon you finished up Michael's injuries, turning towards Isaiah to take care of his burises and knuckles.

The three boys kept quiet since that, not daring to make you any more angry than you already were. Especially Finn. Poor guy was scared shitless of you.

Once all of the injuries were taken care off you gathered everything, bringing it back to Harry's little window before making your way to the door.

"Where are you going?"

Michael, even though he was scared you might rip his head off any second, called after you, trying to stop you from leaving on Arthur's command. "Arthur said we should stay here."

"Fuck you!"

Behind you the door was slammed shut, the boys only hearing your angry steps afterwards before you completely left the Garrison.

John and Arthur returned shortly afterwards, sitting back down with the Peaky Boys, only then noticing someone was missing. "Where's the princess?" "Stormed out cause she was pissed off at Isaiah and Michael." "Mainly Michael though."

John took out a cigar, immediately letting it catch fire whilst chuckling. "Well, you better apologize to the gal then. You know how she is."


In the same evening Michael and Isaiah stood infront of the Y/L/N apartment, knocking and getting ready for the deal. "You talk, you're her boyfriend." "I'm not her boyfriend." "Just fuck her every second day."

Before a fight could break out the door opened, you standing there with a scowl on your face. You tried to close the door, not getting far since Michael pushed his foot inbetween. "Just listen."

"We're sorry for today." "For everytime." "Exactly. And we wanted to apologize. I know you're sick of treating us, and we won't get into any fights for the rest of the week. Promise."

"You don't have to accept the apology. We just wanted to make sure you knew we were deeply sorry."

Briefly you watched the boys, trying to make out if they were honest. Until you sighed. "Fine. BUT I want dinner, and a pack of cigerettes."

Michael did his best to not break out into a bright smile, accepting your offer. "So, you're not mad anymore?"

You only glared at them, giving them an answer. "Thank you. We'll go get you your stuff." Once the door was closed the boys took off, getting you some dinner and the requested pack of cigarettes.

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