Rue Bennett [Euphoria]

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Since I met Y/N my life's been fucking great. Like, for real. After I dropped Jules and Elliot I started talking to this girl from my History, P.E. and English class.

She was actually very nice, just quiet a loner, like Lexi used to be. But I found out, in comparison to Lexi, Y/N basically had nobody. She was an only child, just like her parents. So Y/N never really had the desire to meet someone who'd drop her once they're out of school.

But we started a bond and now we're never apart from each other. She even stands up for me when people make some shit ass comments.

The newest couple of East Highland walked through the hallways to Y/N's locker, holding hands whilst talking amongst themselves.

One of Nate's lamb's walked up to them, staring the girls down. "Yo Rue! Got a new bitch for new drugs to OD on?" "Yo Parker! Got a new boyfriend to cheat with on a new girl?"

Since Lexi's play everyone's been making fun of the football team for being a gay orgy.

They were immediately silent, walking past the girls with their heads low. Y/N quietly opened her locker while Rue leaned against the one next to her, looking at the girl with loving eyes. "You're the best." "It's no problem, Rue Rue. You'd do the same for me, right?"

Of fucking course I'd do the same for her. I'd protect that girl with my life if it came to it. She had a pure soul with a kind heart. Even though no one got to know her since, like I said, she kept to herself in the past.

But now she began to open up and even my mom and Gia are obsessed with her at this point.

The two girls walked into Rue's house, taking off their shoes at the entrance before Bennett guided her through the small building. "Mom?" "Yeah, baby?" "I brought Y/N over, is it okay if she stays the night?"

When they entered the kitchen Leslie immediately left the stove, going over to her oldest daughter and her new, way better, girlfriend.

"Of course that's okay, as long as her mother knows about it. Hey honey." She gave the young girl a brief hug with a wide smile. "Hello Mrs. Bennett." "Y/N?!"

Gia came bolting out of her room once she recognize the voice, running to Y/L/N after her mom let her go to give her a bone crushing hug. "Hi Gigi." "I missed you." "I missed you too, girl! You barely text me." "Can we do a skincare night? I have SO much drama to tell you about!"

She looked at her girlfriend who briefly sighed before nodding. "Yeah, fine. But I get her to myself after ten!"



"Eleven thirty!"

"Fine." Gia shortly celebrated her win over the discussion before running back to her room. "I'll get everything ready!" Briefly they watched how she ran off, hearing her door fall shut, leaving the three back.

"Sometimes I think she loves you more than I do." "Leave her alone, she just prefers me over Jules since she didn't even talk to Gia." Leslie was back in the actual kitchen, mixing something in a pot and putting her hand on her hip as she looked back at the couple.

"Baby, everyone prefers you over Jules." "That's what I always tell her! But does she listen to the wisdom of the one and only Rue Bennett? Nope." "Stop whining like a baby. C'mon, let's help your mom a little."

Another reason why my mom loves Y/N. She always helps around the house and cleans up after herself.

Once the table was set the family of three and Rue's girlfriend sat down and began to eat, talking about their day. "And how was your day, Mrs. Bennett?" "It was fine, y'know. I found out I got a raise at work today so I'm thinking about going on vacation this year."

"Oh, really? Well, congratulations! What places did you think about?" "Over seas, maybe. I actually wanted to ask you if you knew some good place to stay at for like a week or two? I remember that you told me you and your mom went on vacation a lot."

As Y/N began to tell Leslie about some beautiful destinations like Alanya, Turkey, Rue couldn't help but stare at her.

The way she managed to look like an angel without any effort.

The way her mom and sister immediately welcomed her with open arms once they noticed how much of a good influence she was on Rue.

The way she could always tell when Rue wanted to relapse.

The way she knew how to distract her from the need of drugs in her system.

"Earth to Ruby!"

She snapped out of her daydreams when Gia waved a hand in front of Y/N's girlfriend's face, looking around confused. "What?" "Mom asked if any of those options Y/N just listed sound nice to you."

She looked at the three around her, hesitating with her answer since she only managed to hear the mention of Turkey. "Uh Turkey sounds nice. Sounds great, actually."

"Gia?" "I'm torne between Turkey and Albania." "You've helped so much right now, Y/N. You literally saved us from a huge discussion about where to go. Only thing we need to talk about is when." "I'd recommend to go in August since a lot of people go on vacation in July. That way you won't have much traffic and problems at the airport."

Suddenly Leslie got up, walking over to Y/N to give her a hug. "You're a life saver, honey. I wonder why you didn't come into our lives earlier." "No problem, Mrs. Bennett."

God, how perfect can a person be?

After dinner the girl's helped together with cleaning up before the mom of two left them to gossip around. As Gia applied a face mask to Y/N's now washed face she began to talk and talk.

"So, do you remember when I told you about this girl in my Art class, Cassidy, that had something with Derek?" She briefly hummed and looked up, searching in her memory for the significant informations. "Yeah, I think so, why?"

"Well turns out she was cheating on him the WHOLE TIME with one of our football players. Even worse, it was Ram!" Both teenagers cringed at the mention of the kid's name. His older brother was as much of a bitch, so it was no surprise.

Three and a half hours later Gia finally went to bed, leaving the two girls on their own in Rue's room.

The brunette was lying on her back with the Y/H/C next to her. Y/N's head was on Rue's chest as she drew small figures on her stomach.

The now ex-junkie looked down at her girlfriend, admiring her from above. "You're the cutest thing in the world."

Both slightly giggled, careful to not wake Gia or Leslie up on accident.

"Thanks, I guess." Chuckles left their throats as Rue sat up, making Y/N lie on the soft mattress instead. She leaned over the girl, staring into her eyes in adoration.

"You're literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't know what I'd do without you right now." The girl underneath Rue softly cupped her face, slightly pulling her head down. "You're getting cheesy."

With laughs they kissed, drowning the noises they had made seconds ago.

I was grateful for Y/N, and I would never say anything different than that.

It's literally 2:37 rn and the words are not coming into my head so if anything confuses anyone in any kind of way because of how I described it let me know!!
Also I'm kind of in my Euphoria phase so bare with me y'all.

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