Eli -Hawk- Moskowitz [Cobra Kai]

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The school hallway and the stairs were filled to the top with fighting karate students, teachers dismissing their attempts in stopping them. It was mostly Cobra Kai vs Miyagi-Do, which wasn't anything new. Ever since Mr.LaRusso opened up his dojo it was like a war between the teenagers.

Y/N was pushed against the lockers with a tight hold on her hair, making her groan in pain whilst trying to get out of the psycho's grip. "Get off!" Instead of listening to her the boy just put his other hand on her shoulder to then knee her in the stomach.

In the meantime Miguel was fighting Robby, trying to get him down with defense moves since Keene was using offense. Whilst dodging a roundhouse he saw from the corner of his eye how one of his best friends crashed against the lockers once more before ending up on the floor.

"Y/N!" But he wasn't able to get out of the fight he was in, making the ecuadorian boy angrier than before, which resulted in him landing a kick to Keene's stomach.

Due to his yell for his friend a few people looked over to see the girl struggling to get up from the floor. If Tory would've thought straight and wouldn't have so much anger and adrenaline in her body she for sure would've just pushed LaRusso away from her to go and help Y/N.

Sam felt the same way. If she could've gotten away from Tory she would've immediately interrupted what was happening to Y/L/N. Even though she was part of Cobra Kai the two girls stayed friends, not wanting to break their bond that had formed since they were kids.

Hawk, who had just faught a kid from Miyagi-Do, quickly whipped his head around, catching a glance of his fighting girlfriend on the floor. He promised her, even though she knew well enough how to defend herself thanks to karate, he would never let anyone hurt her. And Moskowitz was gonna keep his promise.

Because only seconds later he attacked the boy, tackling him away so Y/N could regain herself. "Get the fuck off of her!" She had to watch how the two boys fell down only a few feet away from her, Hawk on top of the guy to send punch after punch. "Eli!" Everything in the girl's body was aching, having faught about three other people before being attacked from behind by the guy she had chemistry with.

Demetri, not standing far away, quickly took off towards his ex-best friend's girlfriend, quickly helping her up. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine. We have to stop him, he's gonna kill him." Before Alexopulous could voice his concern for that idea Y/N had taken off already, limping to her boyfriend and his current fight. "Eli! Stop!" With one final hit to the face the guy collapsed against the lockers, staying there like a corpse.

Moskowitz then saw his girl, directing his attention towards her. "Are you okay? Did he break anything?" "I'm okay, just hurts a bit." "Stay here, I'll sort this shit out." "Eli, wait!" Y/N managed to pull him back by his wrist, fright printed onto her face. "This has to stop. Look around! No one's gonna win this fight." He hesitated, staring down at her with a confused expression.

It wasn't like she was wrong. Everyone knew they wouldn't stop until a group would give up. But her biggest worry was that they would continue until someone was dead.

Neither of them paid attention, staring into each other's eyes. Y/N tried to convince him with her gaze to stop this fight. But suddenly both of them were tackled, ending up on opposite sides. As he fought off the guy his only worry was that the girl would get seriously harmed. And that he'd break his pact with Miguel and Tory.

All three of them had sworn to not let anything happen to Y/L/N, as she was the sunshine of the dojo. She always managed to cheer them up no matter the situation. And if her positivity weakened, so would they.

Meanwhile the Y/H/C was starting to get weaker, her limbs aching and her head pounding from being thrown onto the floor. With a loud grunt she kicked the Miyagi-Do student off of her, supporting herself by the lockers. Why didn't the teachers do something? They're the ones who are supposed to protect the students inside of the building. So why didn't they intervene?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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