Robby Keene [Cobra Kai]

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"I'm sorry."

"Shit, sorry."

"Did that hurt?"

"No, it's fine." She looked down at her boyfriend, who stood between his girl's legs since she sat on the bathroom counter, cotton ball in one hand while the other cupped the boy's face. "Robby."

Y/n gave him a pointed look, her eyebrows raised a bit. "Don't lie." "I'm not, it's barely stinging. Can we just finish this up?" She nodded and sighed a bit, putting the cotton away before grabbing a salve to help his wounds close up quicker. "Okay, you're finished. Just be careful with the salve."

Robby's hands, which had rested next to the girl's legs the whole time, slowly moved, finding their new position on top of her thighs instead. Softly his thumb stroked over the material of her sweatpants, his eyes following her every move as Y/N put everything back into the first aid kit.

During practise some of the students had gone rather rough on Robby, making him return with a bunch of cuts and bruises, especially on his face. So as soon as Y/N saw that she dragged him to the bathroom in order to take care of him.

"Let's head to bed. I'm tired." "I'll just take a quick shower." "'Kay." After Keene helped his girlfriend down from the counter the couple briefly kissed, Y/N leaving moments later so her boyfriend could have his privacy. Once the door had closed the boy carefully took off his clothes, being cautious because of the cream on his cuts. Under the shower her let the water hit his back, thousands of thoughts roaming free around in his head.

Meanwhile Y/L/N took off her bra in Robby's room, leaving it in her sleepover bag so she would find it in the morning, before lying down in her boyfriend's bed with her phone, checking on her social media's. But after some time it got boring and she got tired, making Y/N connect her phone to the charger and then cuddle into the sheets.

After his shower Robby wrapped a towel around his waist, shortly combing his hair to get any knots out before quickly going to his room to get some clothes. In there he stopped by the door, seeing his girl lying there whilst cuddling a pillow. A small smile made its way to his lips, head shaking slightly as he grabbed some fresh clothes. Back in the bathroom he was quick to put them on and dry his hair with another towel in order to not soak his pillow.

On his way to his bedroom once more Robby checked if he had locked the front door and turned off all the lights. His mom had been out since last week, so he didn't think she'd be home for at least another week. In his room he also closed the door, turning off the big light to leave on the fairy lights Y/N had gotten for him some time ago.

With a sigh he carefully lifted up the blanket, sliding in next to his girlfriend to then wrap his arms around her, pulling the body closer to his. The second he felt comfortable an arm rested over his, fingers interlacing as well. His previous smile returned as he pressed a loving kiss to her shoulder, feeling her stroke the back of his hand with her thumb.

It didn't take the teens long to fall asleep in each other's embraces, little snores coming from them.

At around two in the morning the door opened, revealing a blonde woman dressed in a blue sparkly dress, as well as silver heels and a matching purse, stumbling inside whilst giggling with an older man behind her wearing a simple black suit. Shannon Keene giggled, closing the door once the man had come inside, shushing him when he started talking about the night.

"Shh! You have to be quiet." "I'll show you how quiet I can be, darling." His arm snuck around the single mom's waist, pulling her into him as she kept laughing. "I'd love to know. But you really should keep it down, you might wake up my son." As they passed the door of the teenager's room she stopped, wondering if he was even home, which was a miracle considering how drunk she was.

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