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"What the ...?", My eyes widened as I saw what lay before me.

"Why hello there darling how are you?", the thing asked.

It ... It looked like pictures I had seen in my attic when I was a smaller child. I've seen it before I know I have. Mom had always told me that what I thought was wrong, but maybe I was right?

"D. . . Dad ?"

"Hello Dear."

Oh my gosh I was right! Those pictures in the attic they weren't lies. Mom was.

"Why are you here? What happened? Why have I never known you?", I questioned like I was having a panic attack. I felt my hands start to shake and sharp pain entered my arm. I squeaked. It sounded like a bat just got murdered.

"Are you alright dear?", My father questioned.

"Um , no I hurt my arm."

"Hurt it, you broke it! Don't you see that bone sticking out? It's not your elbow dear.", he stated.

I winced in pain just looking at it.

"Can you fix it?", I asked.

"Why sure I can watch.", he swirled his fingers around and touched my wound lightly. All of my body was submerged in a green light. All of my pain went away. It was truly breath taking. I couldn't believe how many times I looked at the color green, but now I don't know why I hated it all these years. Memories came flooding back. I remember having so many green appliances or items. I don't know why I got rid of them. I don't remember not getting rid of them. The light faded and my arm felt much better. Actually it felt better than better. I tried moving it and I felt like I could do anything with this arm.

"So . . . Why are you here?", I asked my assumed father.

"Well darling your mother is turning you into something that never should of happened. You should be more like me.", he stayed matter of factly.

"So your saying I should be a short red head with a lot of green attire?", "I don't even like the color green!",

"Oh but you used to love the color green darling it used to be your favorite color until your mom happened.", it looked like a thousand memories flashed through his eyes.

"My mom happened? What did she do?", he took his look to the boxes underneath him. He stood up and grew a few feet so he was at least five foot.' Never mind the leprechaun idea' I thought. My eyes widened as he stepped over the box and slightly towered over me. I was only four three. Yes I was short for my age. He noticed my curious eyes.

"Not all leprechauns are short you know it is just a big myth.", he stated.

"Oh ...", I was lost for words.

"So your mother, she was terrified when I did some magic and showed her who I truly was,", he started.

"What magic did you do?"

"Is Kenna here?", he looked around the garage expecting her to be with me.

"She is asleep in the living room.", I said curiously. He walked over to her and laid a hand on her chest. She awoke and licked his face lovingly. Then he sat beside her, and Kenna laid her head in his lap as her breathing slowed. I was frightened by how her chest rose and fell slowly and rushed to her side wanting to help. . . It was too late she had stopped her breathing and her heart was on its final beat. A tear escaped my eye and landed on the floor beside Kenna.

"She is one hundred eighty nine in people years. Twenty seven in dog years. I already brought her back to life once, that is what your mom was scared about. She thought that since I could bring people back to life that if she died ,out of my agony I would bring her back to life. Or anyone else for that matter. What she didn't know is that the spirit has to accept it before being brought back to life.", I stay there quietly crying wanting him so badly to bring her back. She was the only person I had. That I knew.

"Can you bring her back?", I mumbled through sobs.

"If she accepts it yes."

"Please Kenna , please accept,", I pleaded. My father swirled his fingers around the lifeless dog. He tapped her head ever so slightly and it took a few minutes until her chest started moving again.

"Kenna! ", I shouted with joy. She jumped at her name and toppled on me. I snuggled with her, and my father let out sigh of relief. Now that Kenna was alive and hopefully well.

"What did my mother do that made you go away? ", I questioned.

"She picked up during the night while I was gone for work. She literally bought a new house and left our old one for me. I came home with some flowers for her ,and a new toy for you. But when I stepped inside everything was gone. So ... So I left.", he paused not sure to go on.

"I have spent my whole life trying to find you guys. Learning new magics to help me locate my lost family. Whatever I tried I would always come a little short of mastering it. I always had my mistakes, and marrying her was one of them.", it was harsh at the moment but it surely was true. My mother was a carefree, flirting person. She didn't care if she was tied down by a wedding band. She would flirt with anyone she wanted as long as they had something for her in return.

"Is your mother here or at least coming back?", she's on a work trip somewhere. She'll be back on Tuesday.", it was Friday or Sunday I had no clue. The clocks had stopped working so I couldn't really know what time it was. I looked outside, still daylight. Why? It had to be at least an hour or two since I woke up. I looked at the clock it said it was ten o'clock right on the dot.

"Why is it still daylight? Did the clock battery stop working?", I asked my father.

"How am I supposed to know if the battery stopped working I just got here!", he exclaims. I get up from my sitting position on the floor and Kenna follows me to the clock placed on the wall. I take it off the nail and check the batteries.

"These batteries look brand new! Why is the clock not cooperating with the sun?!", I put the clock back on the wall and sit on the couch. I grab the remote and click the on button at least thirty times it doesn't even click!

"Oh I understand now it worked.", my father says as he gets up a d opens the fridge.

"What worked?", I curiously questioned.

"My spell."

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