Chapter 9:Dont cry! Im not gonna hurt you!...

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Dark cacao pov: "Son please let me in I'm not going to hurt you I promise I only want to bring you home,please!" "I don't deserve your forgiveness father what I did is unforgivable so please stop trying and leave me alone!" "I can't do that when you're behind this door I've searched days for you I'm not giving up!" I burst open the door to look around I then saw my son curled up in a corner with blankets covering himself he was still crying it broke my heart to see him like that. He caught sight of me and backed away a little more while I was just getting closer I didn't walk to fast to make sure I didn't startle him just enough to show him that I meant no harm. Once I was close enough I bent down and grabbed my son into a hug I don't do this often but in this situation it's necessary. "Shh it's alright my precious baby boy your safe now I'm not mad at you for what you did it's not your fault and it never will be! Now let me take you home caramel arrow is very excited to see you again" I gently picked him up and walked out the door and into the living room once I stepped in my two trusted warriors ran to me with those shocked eyes of theirs. "Dark choco cookie your back! Oh you don't know how long I've been searching for you I've missed you so much don't leave the citadel ever again!" "You guys can ask questions later but I think a certain cookie needs some sleep" I looked down at the cookie in my arms and he was fast asleep all those tears must've exhausted. Pure vanilla motioned for me to sit next to him so I did "that's what you're son looks like? He looks just like you no wonder he's your son!" "Yeah he does now can you all keep your voice's down he's asleep and I don't want anybody waking him up unless you have a death wish that is" "I forgot how scary he is when angry *gulp*" "anyways,will you all be staying overnight?" "I think so my kingdom is to far and it's nightfall" "very well then I wish you all a lovely good night and a safe journey home" frost queen went inside her room and shut the door leaving us to sleep on the couches she had. I took a chair to sleep on while everyone else took the couches my son was still sleeping on my chest so I grabbed the blanket and covered us both with it before looking out the window I finally found my son and I'm never letting go. Once we get home I'll give him all the love he never earned as a child he's finally in my arms close to me and that's all that matters right now I'm going to show him how much I've missed him and how he's a very special child who deserve a place in this world

Word count:614

I might not be able to post for a while since I got grounded. Before you ask no I did not do anything bad, my math teacher simply told my parents a lie saying I wasn't doing good in math even though I have a decent grade. Sometimes she makes me want to die because I already have several health issues and she's just adding up to my stress I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared honestly. Sorry for rambling I just need to get this out to tell someone.

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