Chapter 15:Their children

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(Poor knight cookie can't handle all the loud noises and dark choco is ready to help.)

Dark choco pov:All of the younger ones sat down on the floor and I searched through my closet to find some toys for them to play with. Luckily I still have my old toys form when I was younger the toys inside were some knights,a toy castle,some plushies, and a couple of other toys that I'm sure they will enjoy. "Alright everybody I found some toys for you all to play with just don't hurt each other alright?" "Okay mr.dark choco cookie!" I carefully placed the bag full of toys in the middle of the room where all the children we're making a circle around grabbing whatever perked their interest. All except one. Knight cookie was sitting in the corner near the door watching the others play it concerned me a bit since kids his age should be excited when they see toys should I go get hollyberry? No,she's probably busy discussing things with my father and the other ancients about the upcoming war. I sat down on my bed watching the children picking up toys and saying things out loud. Seems like their role playing I used to do that sometimes as a kid if I wasn't training. My eyes suddenly focused on knight cookie then I noticed that he started shaking and covering his ears closing his eyes and I'm pretty sure I saw tears forming in there too. I walked around the children who were playing and went right towards knight cookie who was now crying quietly poor thing..."hey there little guy,what's wrong?" "T-to loud!" I gently picked him up letting his head rest on my shoulder as he cried. I think it's better I take him out of the room for a while and into the kitchen "hey guys I'm going to the kitchen behave okay?" "Okay!" As I closed the door I noticed that knight cookie was still crying so I made him face me before giving him a kiss on the forehead as I headed to the kitchen. Once I was in the kitchen his crying had stopped and there were only small hiccups coming from him I opened the fridge and grabbed a jelly before sitting down on one of the chairs. "Can you look at me little guy?" He looked at me and I noticed his cheeks had tear stains and his eyes still looked like he needed to cry some more poor guy...I wonder why he found the loud noises so disturbing? As I was feeding him I heard someone's footsteps coming closer I fed the young cookie one last spoon of jelly before looking up to see who had entered the kitchen. It was hollyberry and when knight cookie saw her he buried his head into my chest feeling embarrassed that his queen had caught him acting like a little kid. "What on earthbread happened here?!" "Knight cookie got overwhelmed by the loud noises the others were making and started crying so I brought him here for a snack and to get away from the loud noises that bothered him" "I see...well may I hold him?" "If he's alright with it" I glanced down at the little cookie and he gave me a little nod as to give his queen permission to carry him. She walked towards us and then picked up knight cookie patting his back gently "thank you for taking care of him I will give him to vanilla cookie to see if he's alright I suggest you go back to the others to make sure they aren't doing anything  bad" "sounds good" after placing the jelly into the fridge I sprinted towards my room I didn't mean to leave for that long! When I opened the door I was shocked to find everyone asleep on the floor with all the toys put away. They must've felt tired after that long ride here. I picked every single one of them up and placed them on my bed putting the blanket over them so they wouldn't feel cold. I sat down on a chair that was near my bed so I could watch them while they sleep to make sure they don't fall off the bed or anything. Who knew taking care of children would be this easy? I just hope knight cookie is okay...

Word count:762

I plan on posting the last chapter of this book today. Thanks to everyone who read this book!

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