Chapter 12:The bond between a prince and a watcher

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Caramel arrow pov:Dark cacao had left the room a while ago since he needed to take care of the throne leaving me to take care of the prince. It truly has been a while since I've been alone with him and it makes me sort of nervous. I was sitting on a chair next to the princes bed and watched him snuggle up into the blanket. I thought it was kinda cute of him to do something so childish it made my heart flutter for some reason. Minutes felt like hours even though it hadn't been long since the prince had fallen asleep it gives me a feeling to cuddle with what's wrong with me?! A watcher can't think like this! He's the prince for earthbreads sake! "Caramel arrow? Is anything troubling you?" I was to lost in my thoughts to notice that the prince had awakened and when he did my cheeks went red. "It's nothing,how are you feeling?" "Still tired...I know this sounds like a stupid question but can you sleep with me? Please?" "Oh uhm sure?" I went to lay down beside the prince wrapping the blanket over us both. Once the blanket was covering us both he snuggled into my chest and fell asleep how cute. Luckily the king won't be able to see us like this so I might as well fall asleep with him.

*A few hours later*

Dark cacao pov:Before heading off to bed I needed to make sure caramel arrow and dark cacao were alright and well. Once I entered the castle gates I started running towards the room that I hoped my son was still in. Once I opened the door I saw a sight that made a small smile spread across my face.they were sleeping together and by the looks of it they were both enjoying their embrace. I'm glad my sons back home he doesn't know how much cookies have prayed for his arrival tomorrow I will take him across the village to meet the watchers I'm sure they're worried sick about him.

Word count:362

Short chapter-but cute! (Sorry again for the delay)

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