Chapter 4:new family

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Dark choco pov:It has been a day since frost queen took me in and honestly,I'm grateful for all she's done for me. Since they didn't have an extra room for me they set up a mattress in sherbert cookies room it was nice sleeping alongside sherbert he was like a sibling that I never had I only stayed her a day and I'm already feeling connected to them. Me and sherbert were playing with his toys again while frost queen was making dinner it smelled like sandwiches of some sort her food was always surprisingly decent for a queen. "Dinners ready!" "Come on let's go moms food is done!" I let the young cookie drag me out of his room and into the kitchen he motioned for me to sit next to him I nodded before sitting down then I started to eat the sandwich it was as good as it smells and I'm glad for that. "So...dark choco I was wondering that since you will be living with us from now on,would you mind if you called me mom?" "Your...adopting me? But why?" "You have no other place to go and sherbert already seems attached to you even though it's only been a day,would you like to be apart of our family?" "....yes" "does that mean he's my brother now?!" "I suppose" "come on brother let's go play!" Once again I was dragged away by a child younger than me it's not like I'm weak I just don't want to hurt him that's all maybe if I keep telling myself that then I won't be able to hurt anyone else that I already have. After he pulled me into our room we both sat down and started playing with the toys once again I had a horse and he had some sort of ice cookie it was how we passed the time everyday it wasn't boring it was actually decently fun. The rest of the day was just me and him playing with the toys in our room when it was time for bed both of us were exhausted from all that running we did "goodnight my children" "goodnight mom!" "Night mom" she shut the door turning off the lights I felt myself submitting to the tiredness and fell asleep feeling happy that I have a family that's willing to give me a chance.

Word count:413

New family.....dark cacaos coming for ya frost queen

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