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   A long breath left my mouth, the refreshing morning making me snuggle more into the warm body by my side, I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to wake up, it was the first time in weeks I had such a peaceful sleep.

But my phone started ringing and the memories of last night wake me up agitated.

I'm such a slut.

I start desperately looking for my cell phone, which must be somewhere along with my skirt and panties.

When I finally find both things I start to get dressed as fast as I can, answering the phone. "Hey, where the fuck are you?" Shayla asks.

Too embarrassed to tell her the truth I replied. "Uhh, where are you? So I can get there."

"Why don't you want to tell me where you are? You know what!? Whatever i'm in front of the house waiting for you with Marlon. Hurry the fuck up." She hung up before I could answer. Oh alright hoe.

I began to search quietly for my things around his room. Where the fuck is my top?!

I was starting to get desperate, especially when I still couldn't find my panties. oop, there it is, my top.

I still couldn't find my panties, but i completely forgot about it when i heard movement in  the bed, my heart began to race and the only option I saw was to grab my sandals and leave the room quickly.

You dumb hoe.

Now I couldn't go back into the room, because I ran the risk of him waking up and In that scenario there were two options; one, he was going to wake up and we were going to have a very awkward conversation while I was looking for my panties, Or two, we were going to have a very awkward exchange of glances while I searched for my panties.

It was going to be embarrassing anyway.

I gave up finding my panties to avoid either scenario, so with my head low, I quietly made my way down to the living room, where I found a very discouraging scene of people asleep in armchairs, broken liquor bottles all over the floor and the walls stained.

as  I started walking I keep pulling my skirt down so I wouldn't flash my pussy to anyone.

"I was looking for you all over the house, Where were you?" Asks shayla as I walk to the house.

"Here and there." I said shrugging my shoulders.

She looked at me with narrowed eyes." Get in the car hoe." She said.

I did as I was told getting in the front seat and closing the door.

"Shhhh." I heard from the back seat. I turned my head to see Marlon's battered face.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" I asked worried.

"I'll tell you later, please shut your mouth for now." He said holding a bag of frozen bacon that he pressed to his head.

I turned to Shayla. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, actually it has nothing to do with me. I found him like that in the front yard." She told me as she starting to drive.

I look at him in  disbelief

"What?! Don't be looking at me like that, your ass disappeared all night!" He screamed.

"I'm just- alright." I mean... He was right.

But still, it was weird; he was the responsible at all the parties we went to, never drank much alcohol or didn't drink it at all. I mean, he enjoyed the party but never enough to end up lying in someone's yard with bruises on his face.

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