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"I didn't knew he was defending you Bryan, I though they were just fighting and you know how I am, I defend my friends before asking questions." I said scratching my neck, embarrassed. "Anyways, I'm sorry man, I'm gonna beat his homophobic ass when I see him."

Bryan smiles at that. "Somebody already did It."

"Oh look at that smile, I thought you didn't liked that guy." I said teasing him.

"I don't like him, he's a brute, it was just- It was a momentary thing. " He blushes. he has it bad

I want to avoid that feeling at all costs, ir scares me to death; The depth to which it can go, how it can make you able to leave the comfort of your life for just one person, what can happen if that feeling is not reciprocated.

I really don't understand the fascination.



Oh no, that bitch- Alex comes to talk to you. see you later." He said rolling his eyes.

"Where you going?" I asked him confused.

"Inside, I can't stand that girl." He said, walking towards the school building once Alex approached me.

Alex was the girl I used to play with when I was younger, she was one of the few girls that liked to play with dirt and mud. She eventually became my first kiss and my introduction to the female body.

"I haven't seen you in a long time." She said greeting me.

"What? Have you missed me?" I said teasing her.

"You're so full of yourself." She pushed me lightly while laughing. "I've missed our meetings with the boys, you know? Playing in Tyler's basement, eating nachos..."

"I thought you already had new friends?" I said.

"Well you know how girls are, all shallow, lots of drama. Guys are less dramatic." She said, looking towards the entrance of the school.

And as if it were a wet dream, Milan entered the school with a tight outfit that showed perfectly the figure she had; she looked like she was carved by hand, her hips swaying to the rhythm of her steps and her head held high showing her beautiful face.

He walked past me, just giving me a brief glance. Oh, so that's what we're doing now?

"See? That's what I'm talking about, no one dresses like that if it's not for male attention. All these girls are so... Desperate." I almost forgot about Alex's presence.

"Maybe she just likes to dress like that." I told her, without giving it much thought.

"I couldn't imagine putting on all that makeup just to get to school..." She continued. "I bet she looks completely different without all that work."

She never fails to look beautiful with or without makeup, I had the pleasure of seeing her in both states.

"What, you don't use it?" I asked distractedly, looking for Milan in the corridors.

"No, I prefer to invest my time in less superficial things." Just as she said that the bell rang.

"Well, see you around" I told her, walking towards the hallways.

Milan was trying to open her locker, which was apparently stuck.

"let me help you with that." I told her, taking her hands and moving them away from the locker.

She took a long breath and told me. "Thank you."

When I was finally able to open it, she proceeded to take out her books and without telling me anything else, she closed the locker and headed to class.

"Is that all?" I asked. "Just a thank you?"

I turn to look with the books pressed to his chest. "Well, what do you want?" She told me coming closer.

"You." I said. "But for now a kiss."

She smiled sweetly at me and got closer, took my head from behind and kissed me, slowly, as if it weren't too late to go to class.

"Was it enough?" She asked me with the same smile.

"For now." I said.

She went to class without looking at me, I was left with the image of her figure disappearing down the hallway.

A few days ago she tempted me, I told myself I'm not going to fall again but I seem to be powerless against her.

My actions and my beliefs didn't seem to coordinate when I was with her.

But I know myself, this is purely carnal, I will satisfy my cravings once I have her again.

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