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"I just can't believe this Milan." Said Giselle shaking her head."We've talked about this, you're lucky everything turned out negative, do you know how irresponsible you have to be not to use a condom?"

"I'm sorry." It's the only thing that leaves my mouth.

"Yeah, well, thats not enough. A pregnancy it's not the worse thing that could happen." She says."I just hope this doesn't happen again."

"It's not. Look I know I was irresponsable  and I accept any punishment that you decide but I have to go to school now." I said, already being done with the lecture;  It has been going for days...

"Okay, Get out of my car, I love you."

"Love you, bye." I said getting out off the car and walking towards the school building.

As I walked towards the old building I felt stares on my back, which was not uncommon; it was a predominantly white school, I was one of 10 black students at the school and I had a scholarship, I didn't know what it was but these people really don't like students with scholarships.

Or maybe my skirt was too short, I don't know.

"Milan!" Shayla yelled, running after me.

"Hey, I haven't see you run like that in years." I said laughing a little.

"Bitch." She breathed heavily." Marlon is fighting some dude, come on!" She said dragging me.

Before I could register what she told me, I was standing on the field watching Marlon practically beat a boy to a pulp.

My hands trembled seeing the grotesque scene, I did not know what to do; I knew if we talked to him he wouldn't stop but physically stopping the fight was not an option.

Before I could think of a solution, a third individual joined the fight. Luka lifted Marlon from the boy who was lying on the ground, who I now recognize as James, one of Luka's friends.

what the fuck.

"Marlon!" I said running towards him when I saw that he was going to start fighting with Luka.

Before he could get close enough to fight, Shayla and I pulled him the other way. On the other hand Luka's friends were doing the same.

"I'll fuck you up!" Marlon shouted

Luka somehow broke free of the grip he was in and charged at Marlon furiously.

I, in my nervous state and with my mind scrambled, didn't think about it and pushed Luka before he could reach Marlon.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing." I yelled in his face.

"Move! Before-."

"Before what hoe?!" I Asked, squaring up to him. I was about to shit myself.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Said a teacher, walking towards the disastrous scene that unfolded. Thank God.


We were waiting outside the principal's office when Marlon came out, along with Luka and his friend.

"What happened?" Shayla and I asked at the same time.

"They suspended me for a couple of days and they called my parents, nothing serious." He said holding a cool bag to his eye.

Shayla and I shared a look. "Do you want to tell us what happened?" Shayla asked.

"I just-" He closed his eyes taking a long breath. "I need time to think, I swear when I'm ready I'll tell ya'll."

"It doesn't matter, but no matter what happens, we'll always be there for you, okay?" I told him hugging him.

"I love you girls, I have to go home." I didn't look up when he said goodbye, but from the tone of his voice I knew he was about to cry, which worried me even more.

It was weird seeing him be emotionally vulnerable, especially at school.

After we watched him leave, Shayla let out a breath and said, " It's not even nine yet."

"There's some deep shit going on."

"I know, I'm worried about him." She said sighing. "But for now lets go to class for now, that calculus teacher has been on my ass lately."

"I'm going to the bathroom, i'll meet you in class." I said to her, walking away.

As I headed towards the bathroom, an unsettling feeling ran through me, I realized at that moment that the corridors were completely empty and the sound of my footsteps echoed.

I was becoming aware of my surroundings as the feeling of discomfort increased, so when I felt a hand touch my forearm my heart jumped and I let out a loud scream.

"Shut the fuck up!" Luka said to me whispering.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Let go of me." I said to him.

"You couldn't just shut your mouth and let me deal with your stupid ass friend huh? You had to get all up in my face!"

"What the hell did you want me to do? Let you hit my friend? Dumb ass." I said."Let go of me!" I waved my arm to get out of his grasp.

"That beast of a friend you have almost sent James  to the hospital."

"I bet he did something to deserve it."

"You have a very big mouth, you should put it to good use." He said, Pulling my arm towards his body

"Fucking idiot, you are a pig." I said wiggling out of his hold.

"Thats not what you were saying the other night." He said getting close to my face.

"T-that was mistake." I said through my teeth.

"Oh really?." He said raising his eyebrows. "Well, it sounded like it was the best day of your life."

"you're a fucking asshole, I wish I hadn't stopped the fight so you would have ended up in the hospital with your little friend." I said, it was embarrassing to think that I enjoyed being with this jerk so much.

"Or maybe you were afraid that your friend would end up in the hospital."

"Please, if there's one thing that stuck with me from that night, it was the fact that you don't have that much energy..." I looked at him from head to toe. "You should work on that." I said, then I proceeded to walk away from him.

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