Chapter 2|| What the fuck just happened.

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Kenny got off the bus and sprinted home, he needed some answers from Chaos. By the time he got there he was out of breath, he heard yelling from outside. He sighed as he opened the door to see his mom and dad fighting while Karen was crying in the corner.

He ran over to her, "are you ok!? Did they hurt you?" Kenny wiped her tears with his sleeve. "O-only a t-tiny bit.." she pulled up her sleeve to revel a big cut, it still had glass in it and it was bleeding.

Kenny felt rage building up inside him, "ok, go to my room. I'll be there in a minute." Karen got up and ran to Kenny's room. He got up and turned to his parents.

"SHUT UP! KAREN WAS JUST FUCKING CRYING HERE BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID FUCKING ACTIONS!" Kenny screamed, he couldn't help it, he was pissed. "What did you just say to me." His father turned to him, bottle in hand.

Kenny wasn't afraid, his been in worse situations. "You fucking heard me you dru-" before he could finish he  felt something hit his face, he fell back and blood fell down his face.

He got up ran to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror he saw right beside his eye a massive cut. He could've been half blind! He grabs some tweezers and starts pulling out pieces of glass from his eye.

Why didn't he fight?
Why didn't he fight?
Why didn't he fight?

He put a eye patch on it, his family couldn't afford anything to disinfect cuts so he had to deal with that. He walked to his room to see Karen sleeping on his bed, he smiled to himself.

It's been hard on Karen ever since Kevin ran away, no one knew where he went and no one talked about it. He went in his closet and grabbed his costume and quickly put it on and jumped out the window.

-----------------:Kennys pov:----------------------

I jumped from roof to roof looking for Chaos, I felt weird when I thought about him... I saw a sparkle out of the corner of my eye, Chaos. I jumped down and looked for him.

"Chaos! Show yourself!" I yelled out, nothing. I went down an alley way it looked like the one from the night before. I heard a footstep but before I could do anything I felt a pain in my neck.

"Gah!" I yelped as I fell to the ground, I heard a familiar laugh from behind. I turned and saw Chaos holding a needle as he laughed. "Night night darling~" were the last word I heard before I passed out.

I felt weak as I fluttered my eyes open, "Good morning sleeping beauty~" Chaos said getting up. I looked around, I was in his base. There was a board filled with pictures of me, well there were pictures of kids from my school but mostly me some of them were crossed out, including me. He didn't think I was Mysterion.

"Let me go this instant!" I yelled turning back to him, "Oh what fun would that be?~" he said walking over to me, the way he moved his hips as he walked. Wait why am I looking at his hips!? "My eyes are up here." He said pulling my chin up to make me look up at him.

Shit, my face turned red and I looked to the ground and saw a.... Butter knife? That could help me. Chaos pulled out a knife and held it up to my cheek. "W-what are you doing!?" I said looking into his eyes, it was a blue void, a beautiful void. No not beautiful, what am I thinking!?

Chaos giggled and he sat on my lap, making me blush, he cut into my cheek and I felt the blood go down my face. I couldn't say anything, I could feel my body start to heat up. Why?

"I always wondered what you looked like~" he said licking the blood off of the knife. The way he did that made my body even hotter, like my body wanted that.... What the fuck? No. He's my enemy, stop thinking like that.

"So before I start, let's see that pretty face of yours~ shall we?~" as his hands slowly went up to take my mask off struggled trying to face away from him. He took his hand and grabbed my face. "Stop struggling." He said in a stern voice.

I needed to think of something quick, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I leaned my face closer to his and kissed him, his eyes went wide but then he shut them, kissing back.

I used my foot to try to get the butter knife closer to me. I reached my hand as low as I could and grabbed it. Chaos kept kissing me and didn't notice. I started cutting the rope as fast as I could and it fell to the ground.

Chaos opened his eyes as he pulled back from the 5 minute kiss we had smiling, I leaped at him pinning him to the ground, he moaned (🤨) from the impact and struggled to get free.

"You didn't answer my question." I said as I looked at his lips, waiting for an answer. "Oh wow~" he giggles "so serious~ I like it." I put my hand on his throat choking him, he didn't even struggle, was he.... Liking it?

I loosened my grip on his throat and I looked into his eyes again, what was I feeling..... I liked Butters, not Chaos. He pushed me off of me and my head hit the chair, he got on top of me, pinning me to the ground now.

I felt my face heat up, he looked me up and down and grinned, "You're blushing~ Do you have a crush on me?~ oh I'm flattered~" he leaned closer to my face.

Why wasn't I doing anything? I have never been pinned down like this, did I like this? "You need to stop getting so excited~" he cooed leaning closer to my face. "Can you stop pointing out, I can't control it..." I grumbled. I was hard from him again, god dammit.

He kissed me and I kisses back, I didn't know why I didn't fight back. I just went with it. He bit my lip asking for entrance which I did not give to him. He bit harder but I still didn't give him access.

He punched my side making me gasp and he slips his tongue in and explores my mouth.

Why was I letting him do this? If I was being honest he was pretty good at this. I sat up a bit and pulled him up on me. Why was I doing this?

"Professor Chaos! I got some more info o-" General Disarray stopped in his tracks while looking at us, holding pieces of papers. Chaos looked at me, then at Disarray. "God dammit get out!" Chaos yelled, Disarray ran out.

Chaos sighed and looked at me before getting up, I got up too. I could tell my face was red. "..... What was that?" I asked, he turned and looked at me.

"What was what? Listen you should get home, it's almost 5." I checked my watch and it was 4:53, time flies by when your making out with your enemy.

"You need to stop making out with me. It's all part of your plan isn't it?" He started to laugh, "You kissed me while you were on the chair! You didn't need to do that, I enjoyed it though~" right, I did started it.

"T-that doesn't matter! Why did you kiss me the night before!" I yelled as I pointed at him. "I couldn't help it, your pretty face... It calls to me."

What the hell was he saying!? My pretty face!? "You should go now, your gonna be tired in the morning" he said walking up to me. "I don't even like you, I like someone else"

He looked down, I could see disappointment in his eyes. He looked back up at me. "Go home or Ill knock you out and put you in the streets" He glared at me, I could see the anger in his eyes. I turned and left, not saying another word.

Just One Kiss?||Mysterion x Professor Chaos !!(DISCONTINUED)!!Where stories live. Discover now