Chapter 3

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Kenny woke up to the usual yelling in his home, he sat up in his bed and thought about the events of the previous night. Why did he allow him to do that? What was wrong with him? Whatever, the date with Butters was today. Well, kinda. He was basically going over to his house so it was kinda a date.

He felt his face heat up from the thought of Butters, he loved him. But, it felt wrong. Why? Well because of Professor Chaos. Would this go on with Chaos? Would he continue this weird relationship with him?

-----Butters pov-----

I ran down the stairs with one thought in mind, Kenny. Or should I say, Mysterion. Yep, that's right, I knew his identity. I should've known it was him, how do I know? Well it's easy. It couldn't of been, Cartman, Tweek, Craig, Tolkien or Wendy. Cartman was The Coon because he was fat, Tweek and Craig had their names in their superhero name, Tolkien was really the only black person so he was Tupperware and Callgirl was Wendy because she would of been the only girl to become a superhero.

Fastpass was Jimmy, for obvious reasons, Kyle and Stans voice matched up perfectly with human kite and toolshed, plus I saw them making out in an alley way while I was running away from Mysterion one time, they still don't know that I saw them and no one has really heard Kenny's voice and he's the last one so Kenny is Mysterion. I walk into the kitchen and grab my toast before running to the door.

"But mom! I'll see you after school!" I yelled in my cheerful voice, "Goodbye Butters! I love you" I heard her yell back. "I love you too" I walked out and shut the door, I felt the cold air on my face and it made me shiver. It was usually cold in South Park, nothing new there, I started my long journey to the bus stop. I could hear the snow crunch from underneath my feet, and some birds chirping. Today is going to be a great day.

-----Kenny's pov-----

As I waited for the bus I could hear Kyle and Cartman fighting over something again, they did this everyday and it was getting kinda annoying. It was pretty cold outside but I don't usually feel it because I'm always wearing my parka, I love this thing. Sure it was old and had some holes in it but it's still amazing.

"Kenny you ok?" Stan asked, I turned to look at him. "Yeah I'm ok, why do you ask?" I replied, "I was calling your name but you didn't respond." "Oh, sorry I'm just thinking about alot of stuff...." I looked to the ground, inspecting the sidewalk. I needed to find out who Professor Chaos was, ever since we were kids we have been fighting.

Back in the fourth grade, the fourth grade was so fun, we didn't have to worry as much then. First it was all a little game but now, it was real life. Chaos really wants South Park to suffer....

"Is it your date with Butters?" I looked back up at him, "no.... Uh, what's your opinion on the heros and such?" Once I said that Stan was surprised, he took a minute to think.

"Well I.... Think their cool..... Who's your favorite one?" Stan questioned, "Mysterion... He's pretty cool and he's sneaky, what about you?" The police had never found any of our identitys but the other heros don't go out much anymore, it's mostly me and Chaos now or if we hold a meeting. "Well I like Toolshed, just imagine knowing how every tool works!" He said with a smile, he continued to ramble on about Toolshed and stuff. I just zoned out until I heard someone approach the bus stop.

I turned and saw the one and only Butters, Stan elbowed me a bit with a smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes at him before looking back at Butters. "Oh hiya Ken!" He said in his cute little voice, I smiled even though he couldn't see it, "Hi Butters!" I said back, finally Kyle and Cartman stopped fighting and were now watching us, intensely.

"So how was your morning?" He asked with a smile, "Oh it was good." I lied, it wasn't that good. Every morning was the same, but Butters didn't need to know that. "That's good!" He said before we just stared at eachother, it was kinda awkward until Cartman broke the silence. "Hurry up lovebirds! The bus is here!" He yelled in an annoyed tone as he got on the bus, I didn't even notice that it came. I held out my hand for Butters and he took it before we walked onto the bus.

We sat down in an empty seat, ignoring the loud comments Cartman was making about how gay it was. Yes it was gay, very gay, very very gay. But who cares? As long as I can hang out with Butters I'm happy. The whole bus ride there we held hands, I felt so happy. But then I remembered Professor Chaos, I couldn't help but think about what happened.... The scene kept playing in my mind over and over again, each time it played I got more and more worried.

"Hello? Earth to Kenny!"

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Butters, he had a worried and confused expression on his face.

"We're here.... You seemed like you were thinking about something ok..?" He said worried as we stood up and started to get off the bus. "Oh no I'm ok! I was just zoning out a bit..." I lied, he nodded as we walked into the school. I felt like he knew I was lying..... But whatever, we walked into class and we sat at our seats.

Hello! This is the author here! I just wanted to apologize for not updating in like a month, I got my wifi taken away and also a bit of a writer's block so yeah, I'll try to update more because I have ideas for other stories but I don't want to start them until I finish this story sooo yeah. There is a story that me and my friend have been thinking about making and as a little hint the hungry pumpkin is in it...... And lots of other weird things but we haven't started on it and it'll probably be awhile till you see it soo yeah, sorry again and have a good day/night!

Words: 1106.

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