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<New York>Sunday, July 19 9:00pm

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<New York>
Sunday, July 19 9:00pm

"Look I don't know how long I'll be gone, but my dad needs me in Italy it could be as long as half a year but I don't fucking know god damn it Camille" I said while packing my suitcase.

"You're probably just leaving so you can have a fun time with your mistress" She huffs crossing her arms.

Yeah right what mistress.

"No i'm leaving because my dad needs me and because of family issues that your blabbermouth doesn't need to know about"

"Why can't you just tell me what it's about, sweetie?" she asked, and she is undoubtedly the dumbest blonde I've ever met.

"It needs to be kept a secret, and knowing you, you'd tell precious daddy about it" I said and she screeches and runs upstairs in tears.

This is why I will never marry a blonde again.

My suitcase is in hand as I exit the room before getting into the car and asking my driver to drive me to the airport where my private jet is waiting for me.

I was already halfway to the airport when I got a text. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket seeing it was my dad.

DAD- I'll have the driver pick you up when you get off the plane

ALEKSANDER- Okay thanks, I'll see you and mom soon

When the Driver dropped me off at the airport I thanked him before going inside. I have about thirty minutes before the jet will be ready.

I walked under the Airport where all the planes are parked and where only employees can be allowed at and my jet is being held at. I see Ronnie the pilot and walk up to her.

"How much longer until the jet is ready?" I asked and she jumped before turning around.

"Oh my god Aleksander you scared me" She said before bringing me into a hug. "How are you? You gotta be having the time of your life because you're getting away from the psycho wife of yours" She says, making us both break into laughter.

Ronnie is Mine and Elias's cousin. She's seventeen long story short. My uncle and Elias aunt got together and had Ronnie. She was homeschooled her whole life and graduated ealy and right away went into Flight school she always wanted to be a pilot.

"It's great especially since I have been sleeping in the guest room" I said, and she raised an eyebrow.

"What what did the bitch do"

"She was fucking her sloppy seconds in our bed and I didn't feel like getting STD or any disease germs" I said and she laughed.

"Like as if you don't have a STD, you fuck a new women almost everyday" She said before we began walking towards the Jet.

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