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<New York>

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<New York>

Friday, July 17 6:00am

I don't even know why I'm up at six in the morning dancing in the living room to the sound of music playing.

When I woke up this morning, which was about fifteen minutes ago, I got a text message from Alex and Avery saying they went to the Uk for a family emergency and when I got up from the bed I felt good and went down stairs and started dancing and jamming to the music.

At least I won't get neighbor complaints because the closest neighbor I have is about 6 miles away.

I don't like people. I prefer to live alone with my two best friends.

But right now I feel really lonely.

I stop dancing and turn down the music.

'Maybe I should get a dog' I thought to myself.

Yeah I think I'll get a dog.

I think I'll go to the pet store after I take a long needed nap.

I turn off the music and lay down on the couch before closing my eyes. I mean I only got six or seven hours of sleep last night.

When I woke up from my glorious peaceful nap the whole house was dark. I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water for my dry throat. When I walked into the kitchen something seemed very off.

After i drank the glass of water i went upstairs so i could get ready for the day even if i will just be in comfy clothes because i have nothing to do for the day.

When I got upstairs I started the shower turning it to the max making sure it's burning hot for when i get in. I go into my room before getting a pair of gray sweatpants and a black strapless crop top. I go back into the bathroom and strip from my clothes before getting into the burning hot steamy shower.

When I stepped into the shower I instantly felt the burning sensation from the water. I stayed still for a few minutes before wetting and putting shampoo in my hair.

After I was done taking my forty five minute shower I stepped out and saw the bathroom being all steamy and there was writing in the foggy mirror.

'You have a nice body Bella'

What the fuck?

Who the hell was in here and how did I not hear the door open or close.

I wrapped the fluffy white towel around my small frame before walking into my bedroom seeing the bed full of myself in lingerie from my last year photoshoot when I went to New Orleans.

Who the fuck would even keep photos of me from last year.

And who ever broke in my house is going to be a dead mother fucker.

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