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<MILAN, ITALY> Sunday, September 20 12:00am

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Sunday, September 20 12:00am

It's been exactly three weeks since Elena went missing . We found out that Gonzalez took her and we know where we're just making a plan to attack the warehouse he's at.

When I went to the warehouse where Jerry tracked her there was nothing except her phone knowing they tried to trick me. I had Jerry track Elena's necklace that her father placed a tracking device inside a couple years ago and found out she was in the middle of a forest a few hours away. 

I was sitting in my room looking at my emails I received from an unknown person. I opened it and immediately rolled my eyes.

Unknown: Giving you a week to get your girlfriend before she's officially mine.

I clicked out of the message. What's he even going to do to 'claim' her?

I turned off my computer standing up, walking downstairs I see Avery eating a tub of cookie dough ice cream.

I walked to the fridge grabbing some OJ and pouring a glass for myself. Avery looked over at me with a sad expression.

"This is still your fault" she said.

"Keep thinking that" I said.

"You yelled at her made her cry that caused her to crash her car and she was fucking taken my her rap- rat of an enemy" She said tears swelling in her eyes. I rolled my eyes "her dad will find her and murder the prick get over it" I said in a cold tone.

"And then hopefully he'll kill you too for putting Elena in danger" she said with a glare.

I rolled my eyes walking out of the kitchen until I felt something hard hit my back and hit the floor. I turned around to see a broken glass cup.

"Oww what the fuck" I yelled my hand going to my shoulder that feels like it's broken.

"Next time I'll make sure it's broken" she said and walked off.

Fucking pregnant people I swear.

When morning came around I woke up on the couch. It was only eight meaning I only got about eight hours of sleep. That surprises me because usually I only get 4-6 hours of sleep. 

I walked in the kitchen to see only my mom and dad at the table talking. I walked up to them and they immediately stopped talking.

"Morning Aleksander" my mother said with a genuine smile.

"Morning" I looked around, seeing no one around "where is everyone?" I asked, the house being very quiet, too quiet.

"They left," she said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Canada they found a tracing of Elena somewhere near Saskatchewan" My dad said.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? why aren't you going?" I asked and he turned his head to me.

"I didn't go because I have meetings all week and someone has to stay here in case she escapes and somehow ends up here and you don't even care about her so why should they wake you up" He said, standing up and walking off.

Damn, that hurt not gonna lie.

"Who the fuck said I don't care about her?" I yelled at him back.

That was not supposed to be said.

He ignored me and kept walking away but my mom looked up at me with a smile and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back lightly before she let go of me.

"You really care for her again?" She asked, tears swelling in her eyes.

"I-I don't know" I said, getting frustrated.

"But you've been looking for her, you even cut someone's head off because he found the wrong girl" She said and my cheeks turned red.

"Is someone turning red?" she teases.

"N-no" I said, turning away so she couldn't see my tomato tinted cheeks.

"Mothers always know when their children care for someone" She said before I walked up the stairs calling Jerry.

"Boss?" Jerry said instantly.

"I want you to track Elena and if she doesn't have a location found by tonight I'm gonna drain every once of blood in your family" I said and hung up my phone heading up to my room.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower making sure it's iced cold before I brushed my teeth and stripped from my clothes. I stepped in the shower and began washing my hair and body after I was done. I got dressed.

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Word count: 765

Next update: August 12th

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