The true rise of....?

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(Rocket POV)

It's been a couple of months and my apartment is exactly how I wanted it. I have new carpet installed, the old one was worn, stained and had mold. The whole lounge room has new furniture, big TV, and dog toys and dog beds everywhere

I've been spoiling Bruce Lee, that's what I named my dog, cause he's a fucking legend and pugs are a Chinese breed. He's been coming out of his shell more and more. The only problem I have, is when Hannah and Francis visit me, I no longer exist. He's especially attached to Hannah. I don't even want to mention the heart eyes he gives Jade

I got a brand new kitchen with a beautiful 6 burner stove-top. I'm learning to cook from YouTube and so far, I haven't burnt anything. I'm not saying everything I cook is edible, but I'm getting there

The bathroom took the most work. The tub was ruined from melting the previous owner and the walls had mold and were falling apart. Francis hooked me up with a patient of hers that was a builder, and he gave me a brand new bathroom

He didn't even ask questions, just as long as I paid him

My king bed is set up in the empty room and I have several deadlocks, padlocks and a security keypad for the money room (My own invention)

What's left now, is finding my place in the world

Having Jade as my mentor has been great, but pretty stressful. Her first task for me was to read these really old books on poisons and antidotes. The ingredients were of plants I've never heard of before

But today....

Today she's making drink a Poison that she made, and I have to make the antidote for it before I fucking die

I'm not looking forward to it

We're standing in my kitchen and I'm nervous as fuck "Okay Rocket" Jade starts. She pulls out a vile of purple gloop from her pocket "This is what I've made. The ingredients in front of you" She points to the dried leaves and flower petals on my bench top "Is the antidote. You need the right amount of each to make it work, if you don't, you die" She hands me the vile and I gulp, taking it tentatively "Once you swallow it, you'll have thirty-five minutes"

I cleared my dry throat and breathed in deeply "Okay" Looking at the ingredients, I turn to Jade and say "You'll take care of Bruce?"

She smiles with a nod "I'll take good care of him"

I look towards Bruce who's happily chewing a treat in one his beds and sigh "I have no idea what I'm doing"

"That's why we're starting off slow" Jade smiles warmly

"By drinking Poison?" I chuckle "I'd hate to see fast"

Jade chuckled too and said "I promise if you fuck up, I'm here to help"

"Thank you" I tell her gratefully "Okay" I take a deep breath and open the vile, gagging at the pungent, bitter smell "I'm not really one for swallowing" I joke

I feel Jade's hand on my own, and she whispers gently "I got you"

Taking another deep breath, I down the vile in one go "Oh fuck" I cough

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