Death Race

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(Rocket POV)

I fucked up with the car

Not only is the inside of Jimbos car completely destroyed, but I ran out of fuel in a really bad neighbourhood. It just stopped. I thought I was taking a shortcut to the police station, turns out, I ended up 26 blocks away from it

So being the asshole I am, I let my babies out, opened up the doors, the bonnet and boot (trunk) then left the siren going before running away laughing

He is definitely gonna kill me

When I came across the Vets that Harley went to, the police had surrounded it "What the fuck?" I groan

My babies and I walked between the cops to the front door "Stay back!" One of the officers yelled out to me

I gave him the peace sign and walked in

I saw a guy on the ground with his shin bone sticking out, and an unconscious woman not far from him in the waiting room "Harley?"

She came running out of a door and jumped into my arms "Baby!"

"What you do?" I asked her as I held her tightly

She pulled back and pointed to the guy on the ground "He said they were to busy to see Jackie Chan, so I changed his mind"

"And the woman?"

"She passed out when she saw the blood" My girl giggled

"Why are the cops outside?"

"Oh! Fucktard called 'em" She shrugged, nodding to the guy "And I'm not letting anybody leave until Jackie Chan is okay"

"Fair enough" I smiled. She pulled down my mask and gave me a firey kiss "Hi baby" I mumbled against her lips

"Did ya get 'em?"

"Yeah. Burnt him like Jackie Chan. Superman found me"

She got out of my arms with a worried look and placed her hands on my cheek "Are you okay?"

"He let me go" I tell her with a lopsided grin "Said it was my only chance. Next time, he's bringing me in"

"When are these fucking heroes gonna realise, you're not the bad guy" She growled

"Probably never" I shrug "Let's go see our girl"

She gave me a peck on the lips, gave the hyenas a little loving, then took my hand "She's pretty bandaged up at the moment, the docs not sure if she'll make it"

"She fucking better" I seethe. She guided me to the back room, and I instantly saw my cat unconscious on the table. She hand a full body bandage wrapped around her and a cannula giving her fluids

There were 4 women standing around her as one of them was giving instructions to the other three "Keep the fluids going, and make sure we have a good supply of silver sulfadiazine cream. She'll need regular silver antimicrobial dressings change, and strong pain relief. Antibiotics must be administered every 3 hours intravenously. If she has trouble eating, I want a feeding tube put in immediately"

"Hey doc, my puddin' is here" Harley calls out

All of the women turn to us, and I see two of 'em take a step back

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