Ya win some, Ya lose some

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(Rocket POV)

I stared at....man? Robot? Thingy?

"What the fuck is he?" I scowled

"Bio-tech" Superman sighed "You need to leave Black Rose, this is a fight you will not win"

"Now when you say Bio-tech, does that mean he's hackable?"

"I don't know what that is" He replies

I looked at him, rolling my eyes before saying "Forget it. Let's just do our thing"

"No! He'll syphon your powers"

"You forget Daddy, I didn't always have 'em" I slowly walked towards the thing, keeping my hands up. I get my computer to start hacking him, but it's gonna take fucking forever "You Uh....dude? I don't know why you're here, but you need to leave, you're scaring everybody"

"Black Rose" The thing starts "You kill and maim for what purpose? Your name is spoken on the lips of a child, and yet that same child is censored from television and life. You take what doesn't belong to you, but people see you as their hero, as their saviour. I ask you, what is your purpose?"

"My only purpose is to protect" I answer "So that child who looks up to me, doesn't grow up to be me"

"Ah. The greatest sacrifice" It nods "But your actions are not of this world. It's your actions that will bring it to ruin"

"No! It's my actions that will save it" I growl

"Such confidence, such bravado, but you're still afraid it might be true" It walks towards me, I stiffen a little but don't move "Your powers, they don't belong to you, they weren't even given, and yet you wield them like a master. Tell me Black Rose, would you still be you if those powers were gone?"

I hear a groan behind me, and turn to see Superman fall to his knees "Hey!" I growl at the thing "Leave him alone!"

"Tell me Black Rose, would you still be you?" He stands in front of me making me strain my neck to look up at him "Would you?"


"Why?" He frowns "All you have done, everything you've accomplished is because of these powers. Without them, you would be nothing more than human"

"Being human is what allowed me to do the things I do" I tell him. I start feeling weak and my hands start to shake "What are you doing?"

"You say you are still Black Rose without your powers, then show me" He floats in the air, holding his arms out wide "I have the powers of the Justice League, I have the knowledge of worlds no one has ever seen before, and now, I have your powers. Show me who the real Black Rose is"

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