Unwanted violence

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(Rocket POV)

"Fuck! This is the worst hangover yet" I groan as I sat up. I felt a body collide with mine, and I knew instantly it was Harley. She was crying, and it was breaking my heart "Hey baby" I whispered softly, holding her tightly "I'm okay. It's okay" I finally open my eyes, only to flinch at how bright it was. I saw my friends surrounding me, with relief on their faces, minus Ivy and Jade. I gave them my cheeky lopsided grin and said "Sup" Hannah rolled her eyes and hit me "Hey! No violence!" I grumble

"You piece of shit" She growled

Harley finally let me go and wiped her eyes. She looked up at me and her sad expression was gut wrenching "Hi baby" I smiled at her

"You're okay?"

"Yeah bub, I'm okay. Just a little sore"

"Well we definitely found your kryptonite" Francis sighed

"I take it Ivy and Jade are dealing with that?" I cringed

"Yeah" She nods "They're taking it somewhere to destroy it"

"Well that's good" I shrug, then groan in pain at the movement

Harleys hands instantly touch me and she sniffles "Are you okay?"

"Yeah bub, just feel like I got hit by a truck"

"That'll pass" Francis says "It just your body still recovering"

I looked down at my body, seeing I'm just in a hospital gown "Did the bullets do much damage?"

"No. But you are a bit bruised, so I suggest, as your doctor, to take a couple of days rest" Francis advises "We don't know the full effect of what that shit did to your body, but it's better to be safe than sorry"

"What was it?"

"A comet called ZTF" Hannah answered "Only orbits earth every 50,000 years"

"Well that sucks" I groan "How'd the Joker get it?"

"Lex Luther" Barbara answered this time "But Jade and I dealt with him"

"That's gonna cause problems" I snort

"Totally worth it" She smirked. My eye spotted something between her legs, I watched as her tail swished from side to side

"You have a tail?" I gasped

"Yes?" She drawled

"I wanna tail"

"Well you'll have to save a priest, getting caught in a cave and sacrifice a friend" She chuckled

"Hey Francis" I call out "Wanna go on a hike?"

"Fuck you, you piece of shit" She snapped at me. Harley giggled and snuggled into me, making me hold her tightly

"Soooo.....can I go home now?" I asked the room

"No" Francis responded firmly

"Why not?" I scowled at her

"I want to make sure you're okay"

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