Chapter 3: Applicant 195

355 19 15

Notes at the end of the chapter


Killua is a child born of assassins and trained as one since birth. The first part of the exam is...boring. Seeing how it was going so far, he could probably pass the whole thing with his eyes closed, arms tied behind his back.

At the very least, he had met Gon, the only interesting thing in the exam so far.

But despite himself, despite how confident he was. He couldn't shake years of training out. Taking note of his surroundings and the other examinees, he had a gauge of people's strengths, the ones that were weak were easily ranked as 'no threat,' the ones he couldn't rank were checked off as 'need to examine, stay wary.' Then there was Gon who was just interesting.

Needless to say there were more in the weak category than there was in the 'stay wary.' And there was only one of Gon.

'Need to examine' wasn't a process that involved much brainpower. To Killua its years of experience and gut feeling. Some subconscious in his mind that kept him on edge, kept him alive.

Right now his instincts were screaming at him about the man behind him, 195. He could feel the hairs on his arm tingling, a cool sweat dripping down his neck.

When the man had jumped down from the pipes earlier, Killua had been more than embarrassed that he hadn't felt the man's presence at all. It took everything in Killua to keep from jumping onto the walls like a frightened cat.

195 seemed dead set on lingering in the shadows—like some sort of...Assasin.

Killua gets that vibe. And he tries to catch glimpses of the man, but feels immensely that there are eyes on him at all times, despite him turning around and seeing none.

The longer they stay running right ahead of him, the more paranoid he gets. Killua catches enough glimpses of the man, to recognize that he does not recognize him as anyone in his field. And that is his family's forte.

Killua could be wrong, but the way 195 runs and the way he stares, silently and intently like a predator stalking its prey, he has to be an assassin. Killua can't even confirm that the man is staring. He is just that good.

The only reason Killua knows 195's staring is because of instinct.

It's applaudable just as it is terrifying.

"Gon," he says, a plan formulating in his head.

But Gon is focused on his friends. The middle aged man with a dated suit had slowed down significantly to a stop, causing Gon to stop and in turn causing Killua to stop (against his better judgment as 195 passes them up).

If this light level of physical activity had the old man sweating buckets already, then it probably is better for him to drop out now. Who knows how much more taxing and/or dangerous it could get. The old man clearly isn't cut out for the exam.

Killua wonders if he should pat Gon's arm and break the news to him, but he's interrupted before he can.

"SCREW THIS! IM GOING TO PASS THE HUNTER EXAM!" And like that, the old man Leorio is no longer dawning a shirt and runs past them with a renewed vigor.

Gon smiles and with a swish of his wired fishing rod, Leorio's briefcase is in his hand.

"Cool." Killua says, genuinely meaning it. Out of all the weird weapons he's seen (including a pencil) he's never seen a fishing rod used as one before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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