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(p.s you all better be jumping with joy rn. lots of references in this, the girls who get it—get it
TW: so much sappy love?)

third person pov

' you and I drink the poison
from the same vine '

"Whit!" Rose cheered as the boy walked into the dorm, not noticing Lily Davies following. "Do you like my new shoes?" She asked, kicking her mary-janes up in the air from where she sat on her trunk.

Whitman pauses in front of Rose with arms crossing, "You have a million of that same pair."

Rose gasps, "No I don't! You just can't understand fashion!"

"I don't understand fashion?" Whitman arched a brow, "Do you see this glorious outfit?"

"You look like a grandfather." Rose deadpanned at his knitted cardigan and band tee, before switching her eyes over to Lily. Patting the top of the trunk, "Davies, come sit."

Lily glanced over at Whitman as she walked over, taking to spot next to Rose.

"You see how's there's two straps across my foot instead of one?" Rose asked, nudging the girl's shoulder.

Lily nods, "Yeah, you usually wear the one strap" She shoots Rose a polite smile, "It's all in the details, you know?"

"See, Whit!" Rose grinned, pointing her thumb toward Lily. "This girl gets it!"

Whitman huffed out a laugh, "Yeah yeah, whatever."

Rose rolls her eyes, setting both feet on the floor. "Sooo....you two hanging out again? Only a few days left of school now."

"Mind your own buisness," Whitman teased, reaching into the cardigan pocket and pulling out a sealed letter. "I have something for you"

Rose inched closer to Lily with a grimace, "I have letter trauma...I'm not too sure I want that thing." Her eyes move over to the girl in a joking manner, "You'll protect me, yes?"

Lily giggled, "I'll protect you from the evil letter."

"It's from Theo." Whitman interrupted, forcing Rose's throat to close up at once and her head to slowly turn toward him. "You won't listen to Theo when he talks but he knows you'll read so...."

"Where is Theo?" Rose quizzed quietly, mood doing a complete flip.

"He's at the astronomy tower, we went up there to smoke when you went to the owerly to get your shoes." Whitman informed, "He's still up there, just read it and then go talk to him."

Rose frowns, snatching the letter away. "I'll read it but I'm not going to find him like some sappy romance novel."

"Here comes the attitude," Whitman muttered, "Come on, Lily, can't let you read it with her."

The Black presses the letter down into her lap, watching Whitman disappear behind his curtains with Lily. She stared there for a few seconds, doing everything in her power to ignore the thin parchment on her lap that felt as if it weighed a million pounds.

"Okay." Rose muttered to herself, carefully picking up the envelope as she crossed her legs. Trying to take the most time possible, she simply stared at the wax seal on the back.

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