Chapter 3: The Sorting Hat / Le Choixpeau Magique

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The twins:

The twins:

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Chapter 3:

The Sorting Hat / Le Choixpeau Magique

As we step into the Great Hall, my eyes widen in wonder. The spacious room is dominated by four long tables, each packed with enthusiastic students chattering and laughing with their friends. The air itself feels alive with energy, and I can feel my own excitement mounting. I look up and gasp at the view of the ceiling, or lack thereof. Instead of the usual flat surface, the sky above us is full on display, a glittering tapestry of stars that twinkle and shimmer in the darkness. The gentle glow of hundreds of floating candles only added to the magical atmosphere, casting the room in a warm, comforting light that made me feel right at home.

Following Professor Weasley through the Great Hall, I can sense the weight of everyone's eyes upon me. My anxiety begins to creep on me again, and I find myself fighting the urge to hide my scar with my hand. I grip the side of my robe, wondering if the few strands of hair I've let out of my bun are enough to conceal it. Thankfully, my concerns are rapidly drawn by the sight of Alphonse, who seems to be soaking up the attention of the crowd. His striking good looks have already caught the eye of many of the girls in the room, they are whispering excitedly among themselves, their cheeks turning pink with a faint blush. Meanwhile, the boys don't seem too thrilled about the prospect of competition. Again, I have to bite my smile down, amused by the furious looks the boys are giving Al. Despite the scrutiny, Alphonse remains as cool and collected as always, walking confidently ahead of us, seemingly unconcerned by the curious stares falling on him.

I try my best to maintain my composure as well, not wanting to draw any more attention. My eyes remain fixed on Professor Weasley as she steps up and stands confidently behind the gleaming golden lectern adorned with an intricate owl statue. She prepares to address the crowd and a hush falls over the room, the chatter of the students dying down. I can feel the weight of their gaze on me again, but I keep my eyes trained on the professor, trying to steady my breathing and calm my nerves. The Great Hall grows increasingly quiet until only the gentle fluttering of wings from the numerous owls perched on the rafters above can be heard.

"Before the sorting of the first years begins, I must announce to you the coming of two new fifth-year students."

Professor Weasley gestures towards us as if we aren't already obvious enough.

"They are transferring from BeauxBatons Academy of Magic in France. Therefore, they will be sorted first. I expect you to welcome them properly." She adds, a quiet murmur grows in the crowd at the mention of BeauxBatons, but it dies quickly enough for Professor Weasley to continue.

"Alright, I call Alphonse Jacques LaVallée."

Alphonse gives me a last look of reassurance before walking towards her. All eyes are on him again as she leads him to a single stool, which I hadn't noticed before. It has an old, tattered hat placed on it that I finally recognize to be the infamous Sorting Hat.

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