The long way to a new beginning

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The next day the sun hasn't even started rising Henry was woken up by Mrs. Controller. "Uhhhhaaaah", the Engine yawned, "What's wrong?" "Henry, look! We are almost there", the woman said filled with excitement. "Oh, already?" Henry was unsure, but when he looked at the mainland his mood lightened. The lights of the harbor and a big city lined the coast like a band of stars. "Welcome to Germany",with these words she gestures along the horizon, "This is Hamburg." The sun was rising as Henry was lifted off the ship. He looked around and everywhere where big containers in all the colors of the rainbow. He saw a few diesels scuttling about shunting the freight cars loaded with containers. And then he saw a new type of engine he had only heard about. But before he could think about it more. He heard a squeal like noise. Mrs. Controller dashed past him and fell into the arms of a tall man with fiery red hair. He spun her around a bit and then kissed her on her forehead. Then the two diverted their attention to Henry. "So you must be Henry", the man addressed him with a gentle voice still holding the Controller in a big hug, "Welcome to Germany! I'm going to be your fireman" "Oh so you must be Mrs. Drachenzorn's husband", the engine remarked. The man nodded. He had a soft face framed by a red beard. His skin looked like he was dipped in chocolate and his hair was tied in a long, red braid. He wore a light blue shirt and piece of dark blue cloth was tied around his neck.  "We gotta get ya ready, big boy", the tall fire man continued, "We have a long journey ahead of us." With that he and his wife went to work and soon Henry was under steam.  But they had to wait. "Why aren't we leaving already", the green engine complained. "Just gimme one sec", the controller replied, "there ya go. Train number 19 19 3 is ready for departure" Henry raised one eye brow and frowned, "Am I a plane now or what?" "No, no no", the fireman chuckled, "That's normal procedure with the radio you have now. It's mandated by the government for safety reasons" "Oohh", Henry replied. "Ready, Henry to set out on a little journey.", Mrs. Drachenzorn asked. "Let's go. Let's go!", he replied and they puff away. Past the mountains of containers and along the dock where massive ships were waiting to depart.  Henry looked around everything was so modern and crowded. Suddenly he was pulled out of his thoughts. Literally, he felt a massive force pulling on his wheels and they came to screeching halt. "What happened?!",he asked absolutely confused. "We ran over a Signal Henry!", Mrs. Controller explained. "Wait there was a signal? Where?!",the green engine was now utterly confused. And his face turned red. "Over there" she pointed to Henry's right. "What?! But signals belong on the other side", Henry argued. "You told him didn't you, dear?", the tall fireman chimed in. Now Mrs. Drachenzorn was confused than she realized something. "Crap, I'm such a dumbass", she exclaimed, "Sorry it's not your fault old chap. I forgot to tell you that in Germany we travel along the right side" "Oookayy", Henry was still baffled but chalked his new owners fault up to inexperience. "Well, now I learned it hard way", he chuckled. "Yeah you did", Mrs. Drachenzorn replied while opening the lever.

Soon they arrived in Hamburg Süd, a massive shunting yard littered with even more container freight cars and the first ever modern electric engine. They flashed their head light and shouted a quick greeting when they passed by. And Henry noted that almost all of them were red. The next stop was Hamburg Mainstation. It was a massive hall like construction made out of glass and steel. It was fully electrified and the catenary looked almost web like. The platforms were packed with people hurrying to their next destination. And as the steam engine rolled into this massive building he saw people. So many people crowded onto the platform he was arriving at. Many had their phones out photographing him puffing about. Some held up the British flag or even green banners with the number 3 on them. They cheered as he got closer. "Why are those people here?", Henry asked confused. "They are here for you, Henry", Mrs. Controller explained proudly, "You are a legendary engine after all." The Engine felt a fuzzy feeling inside of him as the words and the reality of things sank in. He. Henry, the green engine was a legend not only in Great Britain but also in Germany. And a broad smile appeared on his face. "Thank you, Thank you very much for the warm welcome", he gleefully shouted over the noise. Mr. and Mrs. Drachenzorn came out of Henry's drivers cab and with pride stood beside him. Chatted with people in the crowd and took here and there a few pictures. Some even talked to the big engine. Even some little boys and girls. They asked him about Sodor, the fat Controller and of course the other engines. He recounted stories they already knew, but also some they never had heard before. But sadly they had to leave. After going through a loop they left Hamburg with a big hurrah.

Henry huffed and puffed over the tracks. Most of it was plain grasslands reaching far with settlements, villages and small cities littered through out. The grass was green the sky showed a marvelous mix of white and blue. And along the way a lot of photographer's awaited him. Too many to count they stood there. The tall fireman and the female driver each waved on their side of the cab respectively. Around the late afternoon they arrived in Berlin. The station was equally as packed as Hamburg. But Henry noticed some oddity. Some people held up signs with a crossed out pictograph of a steam engine. He couldn't read the words but it made him feel a bit uneasy. But the overall mood was positive. The short and tall duo that were his new engine driver and fireman ate their late lunch and afterwards they headed for the last major station of their journey. Leipzig Mainstation.
On the way there the land got more filled with hills, they went over a bunch of bridges. Sometimes they had to wait for a goods or passenger trains to pass by. But they all flashed their headlights and the drivers waved. Some even risked taking a picture. It was already dark when they arrived in Leipzig. The station reminded Henry a bit of Knapford. And on the side far away he noticed three green and boxy electric engines, a beige and purple train and a steam engine. It was in a black livery and looked larger and also a bit more intimidating. "Are all German Engines like that", Henry thought. "Hello there old Steamer", a voiced asked. Henry turned his attention to his right. A sleek white high speed passenger train had silently pulled up to the platform next to him. "Hello there. I'm Henry from Sodor and you are?", the steam locomotive answered. "I am Ike. An ICE. We are the poster children of the DB.", the ICE replied, "I heard from a few drivers that an English steam engine is taking over an old, formally abandoned line. So that must be you" "Yes I am the one.", Henry confirmed. "I hope to maybe see you some time when I pass through, Henry", The passenger train happily responded, "Have to depart now, auf Wiedersehen" And Ike silently drove away like he had came. The tall fire man sticking out like a sore thumb due to his impressive stature came along with a bag of food. Mrs. Controller leaned out the window smiling as suddenly her face froze. She stared behind her husband. There were two old ladies. Both chubby and small in size waddling towards Henry. Mr. Drachenzorn stared confused at his wife. Then he walked faster. Henry frowned. The German controller disappeared into his cab and walked over to the other window. "Oh my god. Not them. Not those two old hags.", she muttered. The tall fireman enters and immediately walks over to her. "Shhh it's alright. We now make head and get away from here as fast as possible.", he comforts her. She just nodded. "Henry, we have to go! We have to go now or we will be late. And we have to pick up coal and water for you one last time before we arrive at your new home", the fireman said in a tone that didn't warrant any questions. Mrs. Drachenzorn called the signal box. The signal turned green and Henry slowly rolled backwards. He saw the two ladies looking confused as he pulled away. "Who are they", he wondered.

But soon he had forgotten about them as the deep blue sky with thousands of white stars over him had his attention. After maybe an hour they arrived at a shunt with a signal. "Why are we stopping", Henry asked. He was tired and could barely stay awake. "That's were your line begins Henry", Mrs. Controller explained with delight, but he could hear she needed sleep too. "My line", the engine murmured. "Let's go one final stret-", a yawn drowned the fireman's word. The signal switched to green and slowly they crossed over. First they puffed through small stations and then a big forest. Henry could hear the leaves on the trees rustling as a light breeze shook them. His lights cut through the dark. The tracks looked new from what he could tell. After the forest came a short cut another village was squeezed between the trees. And on the platform the engine saw a light. It was a man holding a lamp. Mrs. Controller let him roll out. "Good evening you three.", the man greeted them. He had white hair and wrinkles marked his skin. "Good evening, Bernt. Are we on time?", Ms. Drachenzorn asked. "Yes, you are", the old man replied, "I won't bother you any longer. You all look like you need some sleep." Henry wanted to answer, but he only yawned. Which made the three others chuckle. Shortly after they left the station and entered the forest. After maybe a quarter of an hour they reached a big clearing. "Welcome home Henry", the German controller said. Henry couldn't answer. "I'm going to open the shed doors. My dear wife will go with you slowly through a little loop so tomorrow you are standing ready for our first train.", the fireman explained. And so it happened. Henry drove a little round around the shed and by the time he was back the shed door was open and a warm light seeped into the darkness of the night. The last part he rolled until he was completely inside. It smelled still like fresh wood. The two man crew got him ready for the night. They shut the large gate. And one last time turned to Henry. Mr. Drachenzorn had one arm blacked by ash and soot around Mrs. Drachenzorn who leaned on him for support, but smiled. "Good night, Henry", she said tired but with warmth. "Good night, you two", the engine replied quietly and with that it closed its eyes. Only hearing the small shed door in the back being closed and the light switch. "I'm now in my own shed somewhere", he thought and fell into a deep slumber.

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