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Hongjoong found himself in the dark again. But this time, he knew the way to chase it away. Albeit knowing, it was like he was caught in an endless abyss. Everything around him tried to guzzle him, that’s what it felt like. 

His whole life is on a brilliant canvas and someone is playing with fallen dull colors, splashing it here and there but never illuminating the white background with bright colors. He was being pulled into a boundless chasm by invisible ropes of captivity. 

With no intentions of moving, he stared in unknown darkness. He leaned back on decrepit walls that had cold water leaking from one of the damaged pipes above. An acidic scent emanating from somewhere, pervading the surrounding which caused Hongjoong to scrunch his nose in revulsion. 

The water tickled down his back, meeting with the waistband of his jeans that secured his bullet belt. But, he didn’t mind any of it. In ecstasy from the feeling, it resulted in Hongjoong giving out a sigh at the chilly sensation. Once he attached his head to the wall, he felt the same cold sensation on his scalp. 

“You are weird.” 

Oh right, the bastard is here. 

Another sigh escaped from Hongjoong’s mouth, but this time it was followed by an eye roll. The day prior, Hongjoong was caught in an unsought turbulence. As much as he had wanted to deny the offer, he couldn’t because he simultaneously wanted it. 

“Says who, the one who has a weird obsession with bunnies.” Hongjoong bite back. Wrath shrugged his shoulders with a sly smirk, playing with the tablet in his hands. He wasn’t really playing, he was tracking the cameras and controlled doors. 

“Get your climbing belt on, pride, shit’s about to go down.” He set aside the device on his arms on the naked streets carefully. They had nothing to worry about, they were going to disown the tablet soon anyways. 

“What do you mean?” Hongjoong frowned. It was Wrath’s turn to exhale audibly as his fingers worked over the tangled strands of his hair to brush them away. Despite feeling anxious, Hongjoong decided to stay calm. 

“What I mean is that tie your ropes around you-”

“I know that, tell me the one you-”

“Would you let me speak?!” Wrath shouted abruptly, steadily taking slow steps. Before Hongjoong could notice, he was pushed against the wall, the rickety barrier doing no help as it probably left irate marks on his back due to the force. 

Hongjoong swallowed harshly as Wrath seized his wrists rather tightly. His menacing face made no difference that the said guy probably has anger issues. He clenched his jaws tightly instead of hurting Hongjoong more and retracted his hands away.  

It was for a short while before pique returned in those blustery eyes, penetrating Hongjoong like lances. As if something snapped into him, he turned his head with immediacy to the side. It took Hongjoong long to realize footsteps nearing. 

Hongjoong glanced at Wrath almost ferociously before it soon faded away as he saw the panic on Wrath’s face. His face was ominous still. served by the surroundings that created a scene of a movie, Wrath looked like an antagonist in the abandoned alley who was planning his very next move. 

For a second, Hongjoong reprocessed, maybe Wrath is behind all of it? Oh, he is getting doltish. The more time he spends around using his brain for humorless purposes, the more he loses himself in a deep gorge. 

Wrath apathetically gestured Hongjoong to keep shut as his eyes roamed around to search for the sign of liveliness. The agent frowned but unceremoniously obeyed and stayed close to the wall, shoulders stiff and hands on his revolver, poised. 

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