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Hongjoong always found a way to relish himself into darkness. He liked the feeling, the feeling when he was in the gloom and still on the top nevertheless. Once again, the darkness coated him and hovered over him like a lover’s embrace. 

Except this time, Hongjoong had no way to step out. His fingers wrapped around his rifle, poised. His other hands came to cradle the ammunition that laid still, swathed in the cover of the belt. He was fond of it. He treasured his gun and his bullets.

Hongjoong’s eyes always sparkled with adoration whenever they came to rest on a bunch of bullets or guns. Sweet obsession, he thinks. He was no psycho, no random killer. Considering his job, it was stated illegal to have these sorts of obsessions but Hongjoong could never control himself around guns and rifles. 

Anything that could please him, were these guns. They did bare minimum to dampen his ardor, but it was enough for the agent. 

He was engulfed in darkness as his eyes narrowed between the thin alley. He leaned against the wall as his breath was caged in his throat, sweat forming on his neck. He inhaled sharply when someone passed by him as they halted to look around.

The rather small agent pressed himself against the wall more, thinking it would just swallow him. Hongjoong slowly put his gun down to lift his dagger and readied himself to slit the person’s throat open if they dare to look.

Hongjoong would never admit that his heart was weak right now, remonstrating to burst out and lay lifeless.

He was scared of it, everytime he was put at risk. Well, he was not supposed to. This was not how it should go, Hongjoong should get rid of this feeling, he should put himself at a perfect distance from it. He was trained hard, to go against the enemies with no fear and come back winning. He is the protagonist, not some cowardly boy who needs to be protected with each step he takes. 

He sighs once the man continues to walk, shrugging their shoulders. Hongjoong stick his dagger back on his leather belt and his gun was once again raised, eyes and mind wandering for opportunities. The hallway was void of any soul, no footsteps nearing and no voices were heard.

Once confirmed, Hongjoong tried to step out of his dark bubble and move forward towards the next plan. Hongjoong could proudly state that he was in the enemy territory, RUM, spying on them. He was deputed to keep an eye on them and find out about their newest and atrocious plan. 

His leader told him that he had to find a way to enter their track room to gather the information. The rest plan was upon his leader and Hongjoong was sure he was the one who was going to lead the way. 

As he cautiously neared the room he was told to track. His hands came to fiddle his pocket, searching for a microphone he could set. Hongjoong was careful to not get caught, his mind thinking it was better to not play. Otherwise, Hongjoong was sure he would have caught somebody to cut their head open. 

But, it was not his job right now.

Right now, he was supposed to focus on the little mission he was given.

Hongjoong remembered observing the map he was given as he focused on his mind to let him see the observed picture again. Once he was confirmed that the next room down the next hallway was where he should go, the agent darted. He was sure his footsteps might be heard but it was nothing to care about. All he needed was the microphone to stick to one of the rooms. 

His mind was fiddling with thoughts about getting caught. He knew he was going to be held captive once they found out his presence. He can’t help but think that they are going to torture him for another eternity. That is until his leader decides to send someone for rescue. But, Hongjoong doubts that the mentioned man would.

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