Chapter 3

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Next Morning Min Ji came to the hospital and was informed about the operation they were going to perform, hearing the details she asked, "Jae Won senior, shouldn't we reject such risky surgery? Like there is no meaning of the operation when he is going to die right? I mean This surgery will just put more pressure on his body, which would be a loss, instead he should live his life till the time he has."

Jae Won nodded and said, "There must be some reason, Prof. Cha never picks up dangerous operations." Min Ji nodded, and they went to the OT after getting ready.

They started the operation after doing the morning rounds. During the operation Min Ji was observing everything keenly. The operation went well, it was a success. After they all got out of the OT Min Ji realizing its already night said, "It feels like we time traveled." Jae Won and Sun Ho who were near her said, "You will get used to it."

After having dinner Min Ji came to visit the ICU to check on the patient and saw a very tense Jae Won, she went to him and asked, "What's wrong what happened senior?" Jae Won looked at her and said, "Oh Min Ji, go find Seung Tak as soon as you can and bring him here! fast!" Min Ji nodded and went towards the ER.

She reached there and saw Seung Tak walking in the hallway, she grabbed his hand, catching her breath and said, "Seung Tak shi, Jae Won senior is finding you, come with me fast!" Getting out of her grip Seung Tak said, "But I don't want to." And stopped walking suddenly and stared at a place.

Min Ji was about to say something, but they heard a voice, "Yah! Ko Seung Tak, why are you not picking up your phone!?" Min Ji turned and saw Prof. Cha lying there. Seeing him she went in and asked, "What happened to him!?"

While one of the residents gave details, the ghost Young Min kept shouting about what they should do and Seung Tak said, "Get me the cardiac ultra sound."

Hearing this ghost, Young Min said, "No, what will you do, let Min Ji do it! She is more skilled than you!"

Seung Tak started doing the ultrasound, seeing it Min Ji said, "Here! There is a blood clot! You guys start preparing for OT. I will get the seniors! Fast! We don't have time! I will get Dr. Anh."

Saying this Min Ji rushed out while Young Min kept shouting, "Don't go! You should be in the OT!! Yah why is this girl running away instead of saving me!? Leave that, Hurry up you guys I don't have much time left!"

Min Ji, not being able to contact anyone from her team, sighed in frustration, suddenly one of the ER resident came and said, "I will find them you go be in the OT." Min Ji nodded and rushed to the OT after getting ready and saw Seung Tak doing the surgery.

She went to assist him but he suddenly stopped doing the surgery and Min Ji asked, "Yah what happened, why did you stop!?" But seeing him not move and Young Min's condition getting worse she said, "Move it Seung Tak, let me take over!" Pushing him aside lightly she started to find another blood clot.

Finding the clot she started to do the procedure, when all the residents rushed in and Tae Hyun said, "Yah what happened!?" To which Min Ji said, "Hurry up senior, I need assistance." They all went and started assisting Min Ji. After his heart rate and BP were stable and the bleeding stopped. Tae Hyun said, "Now let me take over Min Ji shi." Min Ji nodded knowing she can't mess this up and Tae Hyun started to carry on the surgery.

After Young Min was shifted to ICU Soo Jung asked, "The operation was successful right senior?" Tae Hyun replied, "We don't know yet, the surgery went well but we will have to wait to see if he wakes up or not, because his BP fell for a prolonged time."

Tae Hyun turned to Min Ji and asked, "What the hell took you so long to start!?" Min Ji sighed and said, "I went to find you all, by the time I got there Seung Tak was doing the surgery, then I don't know what happened he stopped so I took over and you guys came." Hearing this Tae Hyun said, "are you serious? was Seung Tak really the one to do the surgery!?"

Min Ji nodded and Tae Hyun said, "But you should have gone to the OT instead of coming to find us, because of you we could have lost him! You know Seung Tak can't do anything! If you could have just!"

Min Ji replied, "I was scared, what if I did anything wrong because I'm not experienced, that's why I thought you should be the one performing! Plus you all were present here in the hospital, I couldn't take actions. How can an intern do the operation? Where were you all!? You guys didn't even pick one call of mine and you guys are blaming this on me now!? I know I should have been the one in the OT and part of it was my fault but don't put it all on me when you should have been the one to perform the surgery from the start. Plus if I did perform, you would blame me saying how I'm just an intern and how I shouldn't have acted on my own. And why blame Seung Tak as well? He was the one who started the operation or we would have lost him!"

Sun Ho and Tae Hyun looked down in regret knowing she was right, Soo Jung (Crystal) seeing the heated situation said, "Let's calm down, fighting won't solve anything, let's just hope Prof. Cha wakes up soon." All nodded in agreement and decided to go different ways to calm down, Min Ji went to the washroom.

Here Young Min who was a ghost now was panicked about what's going to happen and sat down on the floor sadly.

After washing her face and calming down she returned to the ward and stood besides Young Min's bed and said, "Sorry Prof. Cha, it's my fault that I couldn't save you, you were the one who saved my father 10 years ago, you are the reason I decided to became a doctor and I couldn't save you. But I promise I will make sure you wake up healthy."

Hearing her words Young Min calmed down a bit and looked up to see Min Ji looking at him with guilt, he got up and said, "Oh so I play like your role model, good to know. But now don't be sad and look after me properly! I want to get up as soon as possible."

The nurse came to inject him with perdipine. Seeing this Min Ji said, "Oh he had high BP so 2mm would be enough." The nurse looked at her and said, "Don't worry your role model will be okay, I know what I'm doing, he will be okay." Min Ji nodded and sat down tired of standing. After an hour she started to doze off.

Young Min, seeing her like that said, "Oh you want to sleep now!? Okay you can, after all you came in the nick of time or else things would have gotten worse." After some time he shouted, "Yah can no one see this!? What are you-" He stopped when Min Ji startled and fell down from the chair. A nurse came to help her up and the other checked on Young Min.

After getting her up the nurse asked, "You okay? Saw a nightmare?" Min Ji nodded a yes and said, "I heard Prof. Cha shouting." The nurses laughed at this and said, "You better go get some rest, we will look after him."

Min Ji nodded and thanking the nurse she left to get some sleep.

Hearing this, Young Min said, "Wait, did she just say that she could hear me shout?" 

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