Chapter 5

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The next morning Min Ji went to the hospital all excited, not only does she help her idol, she gets a partner who is just like her.

She reached the office and seeing Seung Tak and Prof. Cha she greeted them, "Good morning Ko Seung Tak shi!" "Good morning Prof. Cha" she whispers.

Seeing her Prof. Cha smiled and greeted her back the trio went on the rounds together after outing their stuff away.

Seung Jo the child patient was getting ready to live wen they arrived, Seung Tak seeing that said, "Put the stuff back, looks like Seung Jo will be operated here." The child and his mother become very happy and thanked him, while the other team members looked at him in confusion.

Dr Ahn with the other team members with Dr. Ban came to meet Seung Tak and saw he and Min Ji were discussing stuff.

Dr. Ban went towards Seung Tak and looked at him suspiciously. Then they started questioning him if he will be th eone to operate and other things, Min Ji who walked a little further to let them talk watching the scene couldn't hold her laughter.

After the conversation Seung Tak and Prof. Cha went to the staircase while Min Ji followed them trying her best to hold the laughter in. Reaching inside Seung Tak and Prof. Cha started fighting while Min Ji not being able to back her laughter started laughing.

Both the men looked at her and shouted, "Why are you laughing!" Min Ji laughed more and answered, "Well it was funny seeing you guys, Seung Tak you were so confused, the way you couldn't keep y=up yet Prof. Cha kept talking and Prof. Cha's Oh Ma God had me!!"

Prof. Cha chuckled a little and said, "I was iconic, wasn't I?" Min Ji just nodded a yes while smiling, Seung Tak being embarrassed said, "Why didn't you help me there!?"

Min Ji looked at him and asked, "What would I even help you with? They were talking with you!" Seeing Seung Tak not being able to reply Min Ji asked, "Why were you embarrassed, genius boy?" Saying that she laughed and Prof. Cha joined in.

Seung Tak shouted, "YOU!!!!!!" Dr. Ahn came in and saw Seung Tak pointing figures and Min Ji while she was laughing. Seeing them he asked, "What are you guys doing right now?"

Seeing him Seung Tak asked, "Can you not knock before entering!? Ha! No one knows what's privacy!" Saying that he went away. Min Ji bowed a little and left after giving Dr. Ahn and awkward smile, leaving him all confused.

Min Ji then decided to meet other patients, since she was still at the cardiac department she and Seung Tak would have to stay at different areas. It was lunch time and she decided to bring Dr. Se Jin some lunch.

She happily entered after knocking the door and said, "Senior I got you l-" she stopped mid way seeing Seung Won and said, "Oh looks like I came at the wrong time, I will leav-"

Seung Won smiled at Min Ji and said, "Oh no, I was leaving anyways, you guys have lunch." Saying that he left. Min Ji looked at Se Jin you let out a sigh and looks at Prof. Cha and raises her eyebrows to ask what's wrong.

Before Min Young could answer Se Jin smiled and said, "Oh what did you get us?" Min Ji smiled and said, "Some soup, rice and sandwiches, I was very hungry you see! I even got us pudding for desert!"

Se Jin who was worried about things smiled seeing Min Ji's smile and said, "Oh sounds great! Let's eat fast." Prof. Cha seeing Se Jin a little relaxed said, "Thanks Min Ji." Min Ji faked a cough indicating she heard him and they had lunch, while Prof. Cha took the things he wanted to eat and enjoyed as well.

After eating lunch Se Jin got up all motivated and said, "Min Ji shi, I will leave Min Young in your care, I have something to do." Min Ji nodded and looked at Prof. Cha, he said he would take care of things so Min Ji stayed back.

Min Ji who was alone looked at Prof. Cha's body and went towards it and said, "I will try my best to help you because you are not only my role model but my dad's savior, from childhood I had saved people from the dead but when I saw you save my dad and try your best to keep him alive I was motivated, I found a new hope and came to know there are different ways to save people."

After awhile Se Jin came back with Seung Tak and Prof. Cha. They all became a team to protect Prof. Cha and bring out the truth, of course truth.

Se Jin was checking on the patient who knew the truth and said she would take over his case. While the trio stood out and looked at her.

Seung Tak worried about Se Jin asked, "Will she be able to handle this?" Young Min nodded and said, "Yes, she is a strong women, plus I will be there by her side to guide her and take care of things."

Seung Tak nodded, while Min Ji smiled seeing Prof. cha's expression. Seung Tak then asked, "I'm curious, I want to know what kind of relation do you have with Dr. Se Jin?"

Prof. Cha shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well that's the matter of my privacy, even I'm curious about how you started seeing ghosts. Did you do some prayers?"

Seung Tak with a pout answered, "That's private as well, why should I answer you it's not like we became friends." Saying that Seung Tak went away, thinking it's better to go home as well Min Ji followed him and thought to finally start a conversation.

Walking sides him she in a joking manner said, "Well I know how you started to see ghosts, I remember you coming to my house for help! If you want me to keep it a secret how about we go on a dinner as a sign of a new friendship?"

Seung Tak stopped walking, making Min Ji stop as well.

Seung Tak in a cold tone said, "Hey, I get we are a team because of certain circumstances but I don't consider you as my friend nor I want to, so I prefer we keep things strictly for the business we have together. Bye." Saying that h left.

Min Ji sighed sadly and started walking back thinking, 'Well let's try again later and not get disappointed.' Thinking that she went home.

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