Chapter 1

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A girl looks at a hospital with admiration and says, "I'm so excited to work with my role model!! I can't wait to meet him and learn from him!" Saying this she enters the hospital. 

She looked around and asked the information desk where she needed to go. Thanking the lady she went to the heart surgeon department. There she saw him, her role model. The one who saved her father 10 years ago. Cha Young Min. There he was talking with other residents. 

She went towards them and said, "hello everyone, I'm the new intern Yoon Min Ji, I look forward to learning from you Prof. Cha and everyone, please take care of me." Everyone greeted her happily because she lighten up the awkward situation Ko Seung Tak made. 

Young Min looking at her said, "well at least someone is normal and went to meet Ban Tae Sik to talk about Seung Tak. Leaving Min Ji confused at why he said that. She then followed the rest of the residents. They all were waiting outside till Young Min talked to Tae Sik. 

Kim Jae Won then decided to introduce himself while they were waiting, after that all introduced themselves to her. Jae Won said, "All the best intern! I hope you can keep up! Prof. Cha is very strict about work." 

Hearing this Min Ji smiled and said, "thank you for the warning!  I will keep that in mind! I will work hard to earn his trust!" After a while Han Seung Won went inside and after a few minutes Young Min came out and Ah Tae Hyun asked, "how did it go?" Young Min looked at him and replied, "are you seriously asking me that!? What do you think? I can't tolerate a guy like him wearing a doctor's coat." 

Saying this he started to walk away, while Min Ji asked Jae Won, "senior, who are they talking about?" Jae Won looked at her and replied, "another intern." Hearing this she wondered ‘why Young Min was so angry and what did this new intern do?’ 

They all walked out and stopped at the heart surgeon reception and saw all the nurses were checking out perfumes. Seeing Young Min they all stopped what they were doing. Tae Hyun walked towards them and asked, "This smell. What kind of doctor wears perfume at a hospital?" 

Seung Tak answered, "it's not meant to be used here, it's to cover the hospital smell for your date after work. You know work and life balance." Hearing this, Young Min said, "If you are done splurging on gifts, should we proceed to work, resident Ko Seung Tak?" 

Min Ji then realized that he is the new intern with her. They all went on the morning round. Lee Sun Ho gave the details of the patient, after he finished Young Min said, “Ko Seung Tak explain a bicuspid aortic valve.” Seung Tak answered his question. 

Young Min nodded at his answer and said, “you took a year off so you must have been studying, I assign you this patient.” Hearing this Ah Tae Hyun said, “but she is not stable y-” Young Min cuts him off and says, “doctors don’t look at stable patients only, let’s move forward.” 

All nodded and started to walk to the next patient. While walking Min Ji thought, ‘now Prof. Cha might question me, I gotta give the next answer correctly, being assigned to patients as soon as I joined! How cool!”

When Young Min asked about the next patient’s condition Min Ji almost raised her hand to answer but Young Min called out Seung Tak again, she kept her hand down embarrassed about the situation and decided to wait till he called her name. They went to the next patient, again Seung Tak was asked to answer, this time Seung Tak said, “I don’t know, shouldn’t you give the other intern a chance as well?” 

Hearing him say that Young Min gave him a cold stare and turned to Min Ji, she looked at him for a second and answered the question correctly. Young Min nodded, approving her answer and said, “good. I assign this patient to you.” Min Ji replied, “yes Prof.” 

They moved around to leave and Min Ji turned to Seung Tak and said, “thank you for giving me a chance.” To which Seung Tak plainly replied, “I didn’t do it to help you.” 

Min Ji just nodded it off and went ahead but saw there were 2 patients left to look at. Min Ji and Seung Tak at the same time asked, “what about them?” All turned around, Jae Won was about to say something but Young Min asked, “Jae Won why are they still here?” 

Jae Won answered, “their family’s refused to move them.” Hearing him, Young Min replied, “we don’t have enough beds, have them moved by this week.” Hearing this Min Ji looked at Young Min shocked about what he just said, she was about to say something but Seung Tak beat her, “I see, this is what a wise and a proper doctor does, leave patients like them.

Young Min who had started to walk out turned back around and walked towards Seung Tak after hearing what he said. Young Min then stood in front of him and said, “look here, there are two types of patients, one that gets healed after I treated them and the others who don’t heal even if I operate on them. If I can’t fix them even after operating on them, then no one can.” 

“And you mentioned the livelihood of the staff, incoming new patients means more profit which will make them happy, so why hang on terminal patients on the expense of them?” Hearing this Min Ji said, “aren’t you crossing the line by saying that?” 

Young Min looked at her and said, “look here Yoon intern, if you don’t like my style you can leave, I don’t want an emotional person working under me. Tch, I wonder why they hang on like they have a great life ahead of them.” 

Young Min finished and started to walk away. Seung Tak said, “So arrogant. I’m sure you guys think he is arrogant, well they call him a genius, and you know right geniuses tend to have a mad side in them.”

Saying that he left and so did the others, Min Ji stayed behind looking at them, after a few seconds she looked at the patients lying down and said, “sorry about how you had to hear such hurtful words. I hope you recover fast.” and left from there.

She went to the café getting a hot coffee she sat down thinking about the past.

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