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We came back inside and I let her go with my brush and I went to the Livingroom seeing Gee in there smoking by himself as I shook my head already having words for him before I even got to him.

Papa you haven't even ate yet this isn't good

I'm not hungry right now ma ma

Well we'll try to wait it out but before 2 this afternoon you have to eat I can't make you but smoking for breakfast is not something we are gonna do ok?

He blow out some smoke and looks at me steadily nodding before ashing the blunt.

What we gon do than you gotta better alternative or sumn?

Actually I do lemme show you.

I turn around waving for him to follow me to the room as I walked away moving at a pace he could manage without causing an accident as I started lifting my shirt up hitting our door to open.

As I swiftly took off my shirt getting on the bed as he slowly started to smirk knowing exactly what was finna go down he's so easy I swear but I love it he shut the door locking it as he came and stood at the edge of the bed for me making me crawl to him.

Before laying back and pulling my shorts and panties off so he could toss em and get exactly what he came for.


2 hours later

He held my chin kissing me slowly as I held his chest down laying on my side as I sucked on his tongue moving slowly in turn with him as we both continued to make each other feel good.

But in all seriousness it was time for us to get out and get something to eat and possibly explore some new things and than try some new things you know?

I feel like I can persuade him to get a nose ring with me only if we pass a tattoo shop though or we get a tattoo ?

It's only fair.

I pull back from him as he looked at me with low eyes making me smile while trying to get my words out to him.

Um we have to gept up we've been in bed too long and I think you and your man are completely satisfied right now if not overly satisfied sir.

Mh..you right but we can get up and get ourselves together after you give me one more fucking kiss igh?

Who you cussing at like that cause Ian gotta give you nun ya hear me?

I said playing as he rubbed my hip with his left hand that wrapped around my waist to it making me feel a bit moist again.

Can you give me a kiss

Yes papa come here

I grab his face attacking his lips as I closed my eyes going back to back taking him for all he had as I soon let him go to catch his breath falling back on the bed giggling.

I like this shit no lie

Huh? What you talking about?

I mumbled turning my head flat to the side to look at him as he rubbed his face getting ready to get up he licked his lips before turning to me and looking.

I like waking up to you, I've never had a bad day on any day that I woke up to you.

What? You using me for my lucky charms?!

I said scooting closer to him so our noses could touch as he laughed shaking his head before pecking my lips once more and getting up.

I just watched as he walked around getting his stuff right before covering up his private and body, he's so free and I love that honestly.

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