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Saturday: 10:43 pm

we gotta go to sleep or that's all we gonna wanna do tomorrow.

sumn like that

are you nervous?

no, I'm most definitely ready. what about you?

I'm ready too, I'm gonna be ready to meet yours right after though because your parents made an impeccable son, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I love you

I love you too papi.., you gon bring your game so you can play on my tv?

probably, I mean ion got to its-

it's ya home too because we are together so if it makes you feel good or better yes. I want to play anyway too

He laugh and nod as I start walking around my room preparing for him to come in it, I haven't had him ever come in here before so it's kind of crazy.

I made him a space in my closet though for his bag to stay the night and I washed my sheets and everything.

I told him that my mom was to say the most surprised to hear me say I love someone or yet even had a boyfriend but the part she's really going to love is his nature.

Gee comes from a broken family too he has a dad but his mom passed away in birth but he has a stepmother and she raised him .

He's the most supportive, understanding and loveable person I know and if she doesn't like him ion care because I'm going to move far-away with him one day.

I rub my stomach from a pain thinking of that, I'm mad nervous bout it because well we'll truly be just me and him then.

Our lives coming together as one, our words and hugs becoming much less because well we'll see each other every day and I'll get really bad boyfriend air...


I won't have time to miss him if everyday I get to kiss him.

I'll just tell him how I take things and we'll process it together.

I grab my phone seeing him looking at me intently as I had on a thinking face .

what's wrong? you want to wait? I knew you were rushing and I said it's cool we can wait its no rush-

Gee shut up it's not that, it's you getting to see me clearly now..what if you see sumn youn like? you gon tell me or just leave me?

first watcho mouf but nah I like all of you, you know that. I couldn't fucking hate you if I even wanted to I like you too much and I love you much more.

be serious with me for real, ok?

I am

your not stop all that if you blah blah you'll eat it off the bone stuff be real with me be me as to what you would call what I do sometimes.

He sigh and nod stretching a bit before waving his hand for me to go head as I watch him hug into his pillow.

what if you get here and say I'm not your level of clean would you leave me ?

Bae you not being too realistic with this because when you come over and get that fucking itch to clean something here you do it and sometimes it's places that I thought you couldn't clean by yourself that you clean. To me? you kind of a clean freak but it's cool with me .

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