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So I'm not coming back here?

I mean no not unless you want to it doesn't really matter to me but I was going to go to your house for awhile than come back here

well when do you go back to work so I can kind of get a schedule

well tomorrow but I wanna spend time with you still

well if you finish packing by the time I get off work I'll scoop you while on the way home it's no problem for me you know that right?

yes, I know but I'm still washing clothes from the trip and situating after that so that's why I said I don't know I need to get my priorities straight.

ok so I'll call you after work than ?


I get up from my bed wearing his hoodie and slide into his basketball shorts he just took off as he started brushing his hair while picking up his bag waiting on me.

that's gotta be my fifth or sixth pair of basketball shorts you've taken

you want me to walk outside with no pants on?

He look at me unmoved by that statement slash question as I smiled at him going to hug him as he rubbed my back.

you not funny but imma let you have that

well. thank you


I lean up to kiss him as he hold the back of my head to get a better leverage to kiss me as I let him making sure to swipe his bottom lip after I'm finish.

How about we meet up next week and you come and stay the whole week and than I come and do the same

that sounds good

you sure? I know you'll be thrown back into work by than but I don't mind dropping you off and picking you up

ok, still sounds good bub


I stop messing with his hair and look at him.


yes, ok .

alright let's go ahead and go out to the car it's probably warmed up now and I'll call you when I get back in the house


you good?

yea, it's igh

it's not tell me, what is it?

it's not fit for the time right now but I do need to know so I can think within the space..

I have a love hate relationship with how much of a thinker he is because he sees me clearly and I do the same for him which causes us to have the ability to truly speak to each other.

On a deeper level and ofcourse I know having a partner who pushes you knowing you can do better is amazing but what about if I as the other don't want to do better maybe where I'm at is good enough.

I don't over succeed I just want good because it's actually underrated as fuck.

Sometimes I just want to be enough nothing more nothing less.

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