Chapter 1 - Opposites

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Felix's POV

I screwed up again. I'm already out of trial period and I haven't been able to get more than two contracts so far. And that's just thanks to Chris, who left me one.

And so, I sat nervously at my desk in our office again, reading the passive aggressive email from Mr. Park, who doesn't like my results, for the nth time. Why would he? I am an absolutely unprofitable employee for him.

In the email, he urged me to change my current approach to work, otherwise the company would have to say goodbye to me. As soon as I read it, Chris from his desk immediately understood what it was about thanks to my sad expression. He came over to my desk and peeked over my shoulder to see what exactly was written in the email. And instead of telling me that I need to fight my own battle, he just left saying he was going to talk to Mr. Park.

I felt like a good-for-nothing. Ever since I finished college, it's like my life has turned upside down. It started when I decided to stay in Korea for good after school and not return to my home in Australia. First, my roommate informed me that he got a great job opportunity in another city and had to move out. I stayed in the apartment alone, and my part-time job as a barista definitely wouldn't cover the rent. So, I started looking for a decent paying job, but I quickly discovered that job interviews were not my strong side, nor was my musical arts degree. Meanwhile, unpaid bills and reminders started piling up, and being the kind of person who doesn't like to ask for help, I didn't tell anyone. I thought I could do it myself.

If it wasn't for Chris, who came to check on me at the apartment after I refused to go out to eat with him for the fifth time - because of course I had no money - I wouldn't even have this job. He immediately got me a place at his work because he recently promoted and became the leader of one team and was therefore looking for someone to replace him.

I never saw myself doing a corporate job. Hell, I didn't even have a proper suit!

Our company is providing services to real estate agencies. You know how it goes, someone buys a property and wants to have it with everything. Insured, furnished and so on. My job was to contract businesses that offered these services. The real estate agencies that cooperated with us did not have to deal with this and we transferred their clientele to other companies. All this for a hefty commission, which we all shared afterwards.

In short, we were such intermediaries. I was supposed to be the intermediator. But now, it's quite possible that I'll take my box of stuff from this office today and be happy for a fast-food job.

I knew absolutely nothing about this business. The initial negotiation training was no use to me because it felt so horribly artificial and inhumane. Almost as if I was joining a sect.

Well, now my skills are finally showing. I was horrible at this job.

I nervously played with the sleeve of my suit, which was too big for me because it was unexpectedly Chris's and waited for its owner to come back to the office.

After less than a quarter of an hour, he returned with an upset expression. He slammed the door behind him and looked angrily around the office. The other colleagues of the department immediately stopped chatting and plunged into work.

I found it very strange how different Chris is at work. I have known him for several years and he has always been very nice to me. Here, however, he exuded such an ominous aura every morning that even I didn't recognize him.

"Oof..." Chris tried to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Was it very bad?" I dared to ask afterwards.

"It was." He said curtly, slamming some papers onto my desk. I raised an eyebrow at him curiously. Chris leaned against my desk before continuing. "Look Lix, I'm not going to lie to you, it's really bad. Mr. Park thinks you can't do it. In addition, now he thinks that I am also incompetent, because I brought you to my team and I have responsibility for you. We can't reach our department's goal like this." Chris sighed and put his tired face in his hands for a moment.

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