Chapter 13 - Message

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Felix's POV

I had to admit that I'm gone for him. And I knew if I admitted it, it would only get worse. Since that kiss, I haven't been myself at all, and every moment of my everyday life has been filled with this new desire for Hwang Hyunjin.

The fact that we didn't have any contact all week tormented me, and I was perhaps even more nervous when the weekend was nearby. My unusual sulky face must have seemed strange to those around me, because during lunch in our company cafeteria, Chris started snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I made a surprised sound.

"Oh yeah, you're really not here." Chris sighed.

"What? You were talking to me?" I asked because I completely ignored my surroundings. My mind was full of Hyunjin holding my thigh in the car, his tongue exploring my mouth. Oh no, I'm doing it again. Chris just laughed out of desperation.

"Really Felix, what's wrong with you? Are you in love or what?" Chris' direct question was a blow below the belt. I could feel myself turning red. I'm not in love. Maybe I have a little crush.

"What!? Are you cheating on me?" Changbin yelled at me with his mouth full and I was sincerely grateful to him for lightening the atmosphere. Ever since I started working here, Changbin has been very nice to me. Whenever Chris was at his limit and was tough on me to do better, Changbin stood up for me or practiced business talks with me. Maybe that's why he always knew when I was cornered and immediately ran to help.

"Yeah, with me. Right, jagi?" Jisung winked at him across the table and put a possessive arm around my shoulders. I immediately returned the favor by patting his knee with my hand. Changbin's offended expression made us both laugh, but out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Chris' expression that told me he wasn't going to let it go.

And my hunch was right. At the end of working day, Chris stopped by my desk and waited for me to take my eyes off the monitor, where I was updating the contract for Jisung's client, because Jisung was in a rush.

"We haven't hung out for a long time." He stated.

"Yeah, I know. It's been a bit...hectic now." I nodded.

"Yeah, and that's why I was thinking we should go out, what do you think?" Panic shot through me at his words. Not that I didn't want to spend time with him, but I was afraid that he would suggest some plan over the weekend. And all week I was driven only by that on the weekend I'll see the person that invades my mind.

"And... And when?"

"Now? Do you have time? Or we can go out on the weekend."

"No no no! Now is perfect!" I stopped him immediately and started quickly packing my stuff. Wow, Felix, you really don't look suspicious.

Chris waited until I was ready to leave, and we left JYP services together. We both immediately loosened our ties and took off our suit jackets. That was always the biggest relief after a day's work.

We decided to go to our favorite place just down the street from our company. They already knew us there and had good and cheap food. It was a nice home restaurant, a complete contrast from the last place Hyunjin took me to. Damn it. I have to stop thinking about him. I'm like crazy.

We ordered together fried chicken and beer, which is an inherent part of it. Neither of us are big fans of beer or alcohol in general, but we like it in combination with good food.

"Geonbae!" We exclaimed happily, clinking our glasses together.

Once we had somewhat satisfied our hunger and taste buds, Chris continued his interrogation.

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