Chapter 15 - Come and get it

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Felix's POV

I stood strategically in the alley around the corner of the restaurant where Chris and Minho were currently at. I nervously looked around and tapped my foot, where is he? My biggest fear was that Chris might see us. He certainly wouldn't support this kind of work relationship.

I was a bit thrown off by our previous conversation and wished I could forget it. And honestly, I managed to stop thinking about it the moment I got the message from Hyunjin. I knew that once I saw him, I would have nothing on my mind at all and would only focus on erasing his smug smirk with some clever remark.

I made the wait shorter by looking at the dark sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of at least one star through the lights of Seoul. But in vain. At least it was a warm evening, just like the last time Hyunjin and I walked in the park. Or maybe it was the beer that I drank too quickly that warmed me up.

I was staring at the sky when the bright lights of an expensive car illuminated me. I squinted to see who was in the driver's seat, but the driver nearly blinded me by turning on high beams. Yeah, it's Hyunjin for sure.

I stomped to the passenger door and as soon as I got into the car, I heard his amused laugh.

"Are you trying to blind me!?" I yelled at him instead of greeting him.

"I just wanted to get your attention, or you'd be staring at that sky until now."

"Good job. I can hardly see anything now." I blinked and still saw the light reflection in front of my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just when I look so good today." He bragged.

"Um, in that case it might be okay if I went blind." I said teasingly, but my vision had already adjusted to the dimness of inside the car and Hyunjin wasn't lying. He truly looked good today. But I won't tell him that. He's already cocky enough.

"Why? Because you couldn't stand how handsome I am and would immediately kiss me?" He said provocatively and slowly moved the car.

"No, because even your voice is annoying, I don't need to see you in addition." As he looked at the road ahead, I allowed myself a good look at his profile. He was like a carved statue by some master artist. Straight nose, pouty lips, and that sharp jaw. It felt like his hair had grown a little since I first saw him. And I liked it.

"So why am I here now, Felix?" He asked me.

"Because you're obsessed and can't stop thinking about me." I teased him further, but he didn't reciprocate. I looked at him curiously when he was quiet.

"That's true." He simply answered me in a low and heavy voice. That one stupid sentence made my heart skip a beat. Why does he admit it? Isn't he embarrassed?

"Hey, now you should have said something like that I'm the obsessed one. Don't be so serious." I tried to lighten the mood a bit and looked out the window.

"But I already know you are, Felix. I just thought you'd like to hear it from me too." And immediately after that he moved his hand from the gear stick to my thigh. I sighed deeply. He's right. If I wasn't obsessed with him, I wouldn't be so distracted all week. If I wasn't obsessed with him, I wouldn't have butterflies in my stomach just because his fingers are now running up my inner thigh.

"Where are we going?" I asked to divert the conversation.

"I don't even know. It's quite late. Are you going to work tomorrow?" He quickly looked at the time. Oh yeah, I'm going to work tomorrow. I shouldn't stay up all night.

"Mhm." I nodded in agreement.

"Then we will go to your place. I won't stay long so you can get some sleep." He made the decision for both of us and didn't even put my address in the navigation anymore. But I was panicking in my mind. Exactly, I still haven't cleaned up since the last time. Maybe I just washed the dishes.

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