Aloft Austin Downtown Hotel

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Auburn is asleep by the time we reach the hotel. I park the car and unfasten my seat belt. I place my hand on her shoulder, lightly shaking her.
"Auburn, love we're at the hotel." I whisper softly. She rubs her eyes and gets out of the car. She follows me to the room and we key in. I pull her in by her waist and slide my hands down until they meet her ass and I squeeze as I pick her up and set her on the desk beside the door. Her mouth is warm and responsive and when I part her lips with my tongue, she actually lets me. Leaving her mouth to taste her neck, she pulls me closer, wanting me to kiss her harder. 

"Grayson." She whispers, tilting her neck to the side, allowing me free rein of her skin. I lift her off the desk and keep her wrapped around me as I make my way across the room. I keep her pressed against the wall with my body while I remove my shirt. I find the hem of her shirt and begin to pull it over her head.

"I've missed this. The coolness of your belly ring. The taste of your mouth. The sound you make." I coo in her ear and she laughs slightly.

"I haven't missed it at all." She says.

"Bullshit." I smile. I lift her once again and carry her to the bed. As soon as I lay her on it and begin to crawl on top of her, she pushes my shoulders and shoves me onto my back. Her hands move to the button on my jeans and she undoes them.

I attempt to take control again by pushing her onto her back but damn it she is not having it.

She straddles me and her hands on my biceps, pushing my arms against the bed. "I will make the calls this time." She says. I'm not going to argue either. It's very seldom she takes control.

If she wants to be in charge, I'll absolutely let her. She sits up straight and brings her hands around to her back to undo her bra. I lift up and begin to reach around to assist her, but her hands are back on my arms in a flash. She pushes me to the damn mattress again.

"What did I just say Grayson?" She says.

I nod and focus my attention back to her chest. Well, that's both of our shirts and there goes her bra. She slides off of me, and walks to the end of the bed, hooking her thumb in the waistband of her blue jeans and shimmy's out of them.

Fuck. I'm harder than I have ever been, and I can feel it throbbing throughout my body. She smirks and pulls my jeans off, and with them, my boxers too. She smirks and crawls back on the bed. I wait patiently and when she is level with my cock, I smile. I reach up and tug at her nipples and she gasps.
"Sensitive?" I say with a smirk.

"Very.." She whimpers.

I hook my leg onto hers and flip so that now I am on top but she is on her stomach. "Please don't resist me baby. I want to be in control, and I want you to do what I say, okay?" I whisper to her. I run my tongue across her ear and watch as the chills break out on her neck. Her breaths are shallow as she bites her bottom lip. I smirk and tug it from between her teeth.

"That's mine to bite." I whisper against her mouth. I kiss my way down her neck and shoulder, and then work my kisses across her back. I reach down to her thighs and spread her legs apart with my hand. She buries her face i the pillow and fuck it makes me smile.

I slowly push two fingers inside of her, waiting for her to moan, and she doesn't make a sound. I pull my hand away and push back in with 3 fingers this time. I press my forehead in the pillow and listen for her to make a noise. Nothing. I laugh quietly because I really have my work cut out for me tonight. I pull my hand away and flip her onto her back. She has her lips pressed together and her eyes closed tightly. I grab her jaw and press my lips to hers. She kisses back with just as much force, her nails digging into my back.

I bury myself inside of her and she presses her palms against my chest. I tease her mouth with the tip of my tongue, she whimpers. She moves her hands, trailing her fingers down to where our bodies join, and I grip both of the wrists and pin the above her head, staring into her eyes as I speak.

"I'm going to make you mine all over again, Auburn."
She laughs.

"I was dying for you to make me yours, and you did, why not relive it?" She says.
The memory floods my mind once again, the blood stained sheets, her lips, her hands, the way she called my name.

"Oh but you were already mine, and forever will be." I tell her, picking up the pace. I kiss her and she kisses me right back, her tongue piercing making me want- no, need more of her mouth.

She whimpers and I slow my movements, but still thrust into her hard. She cries out my name, and I take the sounds into my mouth, taking every one I can get. she rests her head against my shoulder, biting it softly. She locks her legs tight around my waist and she's close. She isn't going to let go though. Not unless I make her. Not unless I get her to. I know her too well. I use my hand and rub her slightly.
"Baby, come for me." I whisper, my mouth against her ear. She whimpers and thrashes.
"Shh, let go baby, come on." I plea. I begin moving faster, pinning her hands above her head.

Her whimpers begin to grow faster and louder. Her moans become longer. I still myself and watch her as she comes apart beneath me. She finishes, her body slick with sweat, as is mine. She's breathing heavy, and I know she is tired but she had her fun already, let me have mine. I slowly begin moving again, the anticipation to fuck her much harder is a urge I am resisting right now. I finish, come inside of her and slip out. I roll onto my back and as usual, she pushes herself away from me all the way to the other side of the bed and curls up onto her side, facing the opposite direction of me.

For once I wish she would stay pressed against me after we finish but instead she does the same thing she always does. 

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