Screams of All the Lost Souls

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Auburn POV
3 years before

I'm convinced that hell has an intercom system and the buzz of my alarm clock is playing at full volume on repeat against the screams of all the lost souls. I hate mornings. But today is an exception I guess. I turn 19 today and god I hate birthdays. I hate birthdays so fucking much. I shuffle over to the bathroom and start the shower. Stepping in, I notice the time. Fuck. If I don't hurry I'll be late for school again. Being careful not to rip the tissue, I remove the navy blue piercing from my belly button and lay it on the bathroom sink counter and do the same with my nose piercing. Those are the only 2 I ever remove. The only other piercings I have are my tongue and ears, but I never wear earrings. I shimmy out of my pajama pants and t-shirt and step in the shower, letting the water run down my face and leaning my head back, the water pouring on my face and head. I finish my shower and carefully insert the piercings back where they go and walk back to my room. Last year, my brother's wife bought me a navy dress, but I never wore it. It's still hanging in my closet.

Instead, I find a black sweatshirt that has Marilyn Monroe on it and a pair of black leggings. I slip them on and go downstairs to grab my shoes.  

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