The Best Friend

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** NOTE: This is still 3 years before. Follow along, you'll understand. **

I've been at this college for half a year now.  I've got the man of my dreams, the best friend I could ever ask for, and an amazing school. I'm so ecstatic. Life is really amazing here. 
Lauren is my best friend. Grayson is my boyfriend. I am so in love with him. I gave myself to him, as he gave himself to me. 
Currently, Lauren and Grayson are doing something they won't tell me what it is. I'm curious to know why they insist on keeping secrets from me, but I guess it doesn't matter. 
I gather up my clothes and head to my dorm to take a shower. The water is hot, which is very rare in my dorm. 
I spend about an hour taking care of myself as in shaving, washing, and moisturizing my body. As I'm getting dressed, I hear my dorm room open and two people in which sounded like they were moaning. 
I quickly wrap myself up in a towel and head out to see who the noises are coming from. The lights are out so I have to feel around to turn them on. 
No.. The sight that I see is what makes my heart drop. 
"Lauren?" I whisper, knowing damn well my eyes are full of tears. 
Lauren and Grayson are on my bed, naked. He's naked on top of my best friend. My best friend is naked underneath my boyfriend. 
"W-what's going on? Please tell me I'm not seeing what I'm seeing..."
Grayson's head snaps towards me. 
"AUBURN!" He says, quickly trying to get dressed. 
My eyes dart to Lauren. The hurt and sadness is now rage. Anger. 
"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Sight." I say deeply, trying to control my anger. She tries to grab my hand and that's when I lose it. 
I grab her by the head of her hair and shove her into the wall. My hands find her neck and I wrap them around it, choking her. 
"Auburn, stop." Grayson says, grabbing me from behind and pulling me off of her. 
"Go." He yells at her. She leaves before I can get loose from him. 
Grayson spins me around to face him, tears in his eyes. 

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