I Thought I Could Trust You

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When Grayson looks at me, I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to say.
"Baby, please." He whispers. What the fuck is he saying please for? The better question is: Why is he calling me baby?
"No, Grayson. Don't 'Baby' me. Don't 'Please' me. I thought you loved me. I thought you were a good guy." I say, my voice thick with anger. I take three steps back from him and sit down on my desk.
"Auburn, listen-" Grayson begins to say, but I cut him off before he can finish the sentence.
He takes his hand and gently places his index finger against my lips, telling me to stop speaking.
"Fine." I say, as he moves his hand away from my mouth.
"I did not sleep with her by my own choice. She told me she wanted me to help her with something and the next thing I knew, she had me on the bed, taking my clothes off. I admit, what I did was wrong. I got lost in the moment. I understand if you can't, or won't forgive me, but I am sorry." He says, as he sits down on the bed and his face drops into his hands. I hate seeing him cry but I also hate the way he hurt me.

"Prove it." I whisper. He looks up at me and cocks an eyebrow.
"Prove it. If she came onto you, then prove it."

Grayson pulls out his phone and taps on Ring, the app for the security cameras he has put around the dormitory. He wasn't lying, she did come onto him.

"Look, even if she came onto you, you could have stopped and told her to go away."
"I know, and I understand if what I did is unforgivable." He says, looking at me once again.

I hate this. I hate life. I guess I can try to forgive and forget. But- at the same time- I don't know if I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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