Chapter Four

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"I think we need more cheese." Katie huffed.

"Katie." I shook my head, "We have literally purchased an entire basket full of cheese. More cheese than even I know what to do with."

"Nope, we need more." She squeezed her little brown and blue eyes tightly together as she frowned, "The sweet voice in my head said she loves cheese like I do, and I want there to be enough for the both of us."

"Voice?" Luci and I both turned to face her, completely confused but also surprised.

"Yes, she started talking to me about an hour ago. I quite like her, she's very funny." Katie twirled back around to continue examining the different types of cheese, her wavy brown hair glistened in the afternoon sun.

Luci looked at me with wide eyes, then whispered in my ear, "I think her wolf has emerged."

"But she is only ten years old." I shook my head confused, "Can they awaken this early?"

"Yes, but it is rare. All female's get their wolves when they have their first bleed, males when their voices deepen." She looked like she was starting to get nervous, "We must get her home now before her dress. . . Where did she go?"

"Oh, Goddess." I looked around on the tips of my toes in search of her little head amongst the sea of people also shopping for food, "How did we end up with both sisters' wolves awakening in the same week?"

"I guess Mira's overflowing hormones triggered Katie's awakening too." Luci was starting to panic. "I'm going to try and talk to her through the pack bond, can you go see if you can find her?"

"Alright, I'll meet you back here in ten minutes if I luck and Katie evade me." I handed her the basket of all the things we had bought so far, then headed deeper into the open market.

I tried sniffing the air for her scent, but with all the different smells and so many different wolves' scents intertwining with one another, my very weak mutt abilities were not going to be able to help me find her.

"Of all the times to run off, why had you chosen this one?" I weaved through bodies, checking each and every stall, peeping through windows of stores and checking down alleys but with no success.

She had scampered away rather quickly, and in all honesty, I was starting to get nervous. What Miss Alma had said to us earlier started to repeat itself over and over in my mind. And I had begun to convince myself that she might have been abducted.

I quickened my pace as my heart started to fill with fear, "What if she was snatched up? Oh, Goddess please be safe. Please, please, please, please, please." I mentally begged as I darted between the towering wolves that just kept getting in my way without avail.

As I passed a group of people, who might I add, were obnoxiously gathered in the middle of everything jabbering on about things I had been too focused on finding Katie to overhear, I could have sworn I saw Katie's little lavender dress flick into my peripheral. I had snapped my head to the left, blood rushing as desperation seeped through me, when I felt myself collide with something rather hard.

"My apologies," I shook my head trying to catch the breath I had knocked out of myself, "I did not mean to run into you and should have been watching where I was going. You see I have lost my-"

The next thing I knew, the person I had bumped into was shoving me to the ground with unnecessary force, "How dare you touch me you filthy mutt."

"For the love of-" I collided with the ground, sucking air through my teeth as I felt the skin on my elbow scrape against the paved stones.

After regaining my bearings, I looked up to see who had the audacity to shove me over something so trivial, when I locked eyes with Alison Randel. The Alison Luci and I were mocking earlier that day, who just so happened to have been the daughter of Alpha Randel. She stared down at me in disgust, green eyes brimming with rage.

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