chapter 8 ;\

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And before I know it, I find myself standing with seven others on a very crowded bus, on our way to a really good but really far ramen restaurant Changbin suggested.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Minho asks me, holding onto the pole. 

I shake my head. I go to school every day by bus, it would take a lot more than a crowded bus to make me uncomfortable.

"A car would've been better under these circumstances. But Chan's the only one old enough to drive. It's a shame he had to leave."

"It's completely fine, I'm used to taking the bus." I assure him, "Besides, I hate cars. I don't think I would be able to ride one."

He gives me an inquisitive look, but when I don't elaborate further he just turns away to talk to Jisung.

I haven't told anyone except Sooyun about my dislike for cars. And I am not about to tell a boy I've known for two days.



Static noises came from the middle school speakers, and everyone turned to the corner of the classroom at the noise. 

"Park Yeon-Ah, please make your way to the principal's office at this time."

The mentioned rebellious teenager gulped, unsure and dubious as to why she was being called to the office. 

What did I do? Was it because I skipped class that day from a week ago? Was it because I accidentally flipped someone off in English right in front of the teacher yesterday? Was it because I snuck my phone into detention?

Yeona glanced around the class to see young teens whispering and stealing glances in her direction, probably trying to predict what would happen. Yeona swallowed again, but got up and walked to the principal's office. 

When she opened the door, she saw something she had not been expecting.

"Your mother is in the hospital Yeona." her father said, sitting down on a chair with tears covering his face, "We need to go right now."

Panic flooded within the girl. Her thoughts became convoluted, zapping around her brain faster than lightning. 

What do you mean she's in the hospital? She's ok right? Is she going to die? No, right?? You have to give me more information!!!

But her dad just grabbed her wrist and led her to the car. Once they were both inside, he began driving at full speed. Yeona could hear cars honking behind them, signaling they were going too fast. Her father didn't care.

After an unbearable period of time, they finally arrived at the hospital. Her father quickly hunted for the closest parking spot available and rushed to park without paying. Then, they immediately ran into the hospital. The teenager's short legs were tired and sore, but she didn't care at the time. She couldn't. Her senses were messed up.

Once inside, Yeona's father ran up to the hospital receptionist.

"We're here to see my wife...Park Ah-Young"

The receptionist looked up from her computer to give him a pitiful look. Yeona refused to acknowledge the ugly feeling the gaze evoked inside her, burying the pessimism to the back of her mind.

"Room C2 - 929." the receptionist stated tersely.

Yeona's father immediately grabbed her hand and the two started sprinting to the room.

Once they reached the location, they entered to see the body of a woman laying stiffly on a bed. The nurses around her mother were all looking down with solemn expressions. Yeona's eyes immediately searched for the life support monitor, but once she found it, all she saw was a single straight line.

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