chapter 15 :0

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It's already been two weeks since ThatTimeMinhoAndIHungOut™ because I refuse to call it the d-word (the one that spells D-A-T-E). And in those two weeks, my life has changed a lot for the better.

Sooyun and I, instead of sitting with the girls in our grade or just on our own, began sitting with Minho's friend group. I'm not sure how it happened, but after the day Jisung invited us, they kept dragging us to sit with them until eventually it just became a routine thing. It's honestly really great. Not just being able to sit with Minho, who I've gotten really close with, but the rest of them too. Spending time with Hyunjin outside of art class is always fun, and I can tell I'm going to be great friends with the six others too. Talking with them is so fun. It's so unserious—no gossip or drama or anything, just ten teenagers having a good time. It almost feels like I've known them for years and years.

There is only one problem: I don't really get to see Minho that often. Because really, the only class I share with him is science. So other than science and lunch, I never see him at school.

In my school, classes aren't divided into groups. Instead, you have every class with different people so that you can interact with everyone. There are good and bad parts about this system. The good part is that it means I usually have at least one class or so with all of my friends, including Sooyun. The bad part is that the chances of having most classes with Sooyun are low.

Fortunately, for the past three years, Sooyun and I have been getting lucky, consecutively getting eight classes out of ten together, each year. Which is really amazing, I am forever indebted to whatever gacha system sorts our classmates. This year, the only two classes I don't have with her are art and P.E. Art is fine since I have Hyunjin and the teacher lets us do whatever we want. But gym, although I'm an athletic girl, is always lonely.

Just like right now. I'm currently in gym class, thinking about all this while stretching with the twenty four others. I can hear my gym teacher calling out different commands: "left arm! switch! shoulder rotations! other way!" but I'm only half listening, working on muscle memory at this point because we've done this stretching routine so many times.

P.E. is fun, but boring at the same time. It's fun when we get to play dodgeball or some sport I'm actually good at, and really boring when it's a sport I actually die in. Which is the case right now. We've been in the volleyball unit, one of my all-time least favorite sports, for way too long.

I'm bad at volleyball. Not just bad, but insanely terrible. I'm good at most of the other sports, so whenever I showcase my utterly "amazing" volleyball skills people think I'm trolling. That's not the case, it's just that I was never allowed to play volleyball or basketball for most of my life because my mom was afraid I would break my fingers. I only really started playing last year, and the fact that I haven't broken any bones yet makes me wish I had just learned how to play earlier in my life.

Usually I like gym, but I'm dreading it today. Not only do I have no skill in volleyball whatsoever, but I'm also feeling lonely. I'm an extrovert, I like having people to talk to, and I have a fair number of acquaintances in my grade, even if I can't call them friends. But there's like, no one I know in gym class. Oh, how I wish they had just put me in Sooyun's gym class. Or Minho...


There is only one person who calls me that.

I spin around to see Minho standing right there.

"What the heck? I was just thinking about you!"

"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow, "How often do you think about me?"

"Only when I'm having shower thoughts and 'if I could kill anyone who would it be' comes up" I lie, "Why are you—What are you even doing here? Don't you have like Korean or something?"

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