chapter 45 :=C

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I awkwardly pick at my food during lunch the next, trying my best not to pay too much attention to how Minho and Hyesu are entirely in their own world. I don't miss the way the others glance back and forth between me and the pair, looking at them with loathing but me with pity. Everything about this situation makes me feel purely out of place.

Minho's strange behavior did not stop after yesterday. In fact, when I came to class late today, he wasn't even there. Turns out he ran even later than I did. And he was with Hyesu.

Hyesu. I can't seem to place a finger on why I dislike the girl even though I don't know much about her. Be it the way she hates me for no reason, or the way Minho devotes too much time to her to the point it's affecting his friendships and school, the negative energy she radiates is jarring and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed it.

Finally, I decide I've had enough. It's unbelievable that I've barely had the opportunity to speak to Minho for the past few days, and I'm not about to let a random girl best friend ruin our relationship when everything was going so well.

"Hey Minho, you haven't been attending badminton practices lately. Or dance practices, as far as they've told me." I gesture to the boys, who let me know that Minho has indeed been skipping. "Are you planning on going?"

Minho turns away from Hyesu to me, with no animosity in his expression, yet lacking the friendliness I'm so used to.

"You said I'm ready to compete. I'll be fine." he simply states.

I'm taken aback by the lack of sportsmanship, something I didn't see coming from Minho, and honestly just feel bad for Seonghwa at this point. "Yes but you still need to attend practices, for the rest of the tea—"

"I'll think about it." He cuts me off.

I shut my mouth.

"What is he doing? Is he dumb??" I hear Jisung whisper to Chan in frustration.

I try to focus on my food again, but Minho and Hyesu's close behavior is really beginning to get to me.

The memory of our date together suddenly springs to my mind, and it saddens me that it feels more like a distant memory than a fresh recollection, even though it was only three days ago.

You're so beautiful.

You've always been kind to me, even though I didn't treat you with the same respect at first.

I realized you're special.

I like you so much.

My face falls as I come to the realization that none of the kind things he said to me that day seem to apply right now.

It's like he doesn't know me.

I can't take it anymore.

"I'm going to the washroom," I mumble, getting up in a rush.

As soon as I reach the washrooms, I throw myself into a stall and slam the door shut. I fall onto the seat and bow my head, clenching my hair between my fingers. When I feel tears begin to prickle in the corners of my eyes, I slap myself.

I honestly don't know why I'm overreacting this much. Hyesu is just a visitor. She means a lot to Minho, and he's just making the most of his time with her. It totally makes sense; if I moved away and Minho came to visit, I would also probably spend all my time with him.

So, no need to overthink.

Heaving a big sigh, I lift my head back up with intention.

Just as I'm about to get up and leave, I hear a voice.

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