Chapter 92) Cross

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Arriving back at camp was difficult.

Glenn drove while Y/N sat in the back with a still unconscious Tara. Eugene sat in the passenger seat.

Nobody spoke.

They left that morning with seven people, and are coming back with only four. There are going to be questions. Especially considering Deanna's son and one of her people are of the three dead.

The van drives in to camp, immediately coming to a stop. Glenn hops out. "We need the doctor!"

Daryl and Rick are the first two to get to the van. Eugene opens the back doors to reveal a red-faced Y/N.

Her knuckles are absolutely destroyed. She's covered in blood. Her leg is wrapped in Noah's flannel, where the metal shelf sliced her open.

Their eyes pan to Tara, head wrapped in as much gauze as the med-kit provided. Blood soaks the white wrap.

Daryl leans into the van, helping Y/N stand.

Rick picks Tara up bridal style, the group immediately heading towards medical.

Deanna comes out of her house. She sees them.

Her eyes scan Y/N's body, then Tara. Then Glenn and Eugene.

She glances around. "Where is Aiden?"

Glenn lowers his head a moment. "He's dead. I'm sorry."

Deanna's face drops. "And Nicholas?"

Glenn shakes his head.

Maggie, who has now joined the group, looks around. "Noah?"

Y/N shakes her throbbing head. "He's dead."
Y/N gets treated for the injuries to her leg and hands in medical.

Once the wounds have been cleaned and wrapped, she is sent to Deanna.

She sits in the same room that she was interviewed in the day her group arrived.

The red camera light flashes, indicating that it is on.

"Tell me what happened. Your side." The woman says.

"We were inside the warehouse. Some walkers were locked behind a fence. Eugene found the part we needed. Then I hear Glenn shouting. There was a walker in an army uniform, trying to get Aiden. He was shooting at it. Glenn yelled at him to stop but it was too late. He hit a grenade. It blew up. The fence came loose. Tara hit her head. I slashed my leg." She takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Aiden got impaled by a metal rod. We- we thought he was dead. We locked ourselves in a small office. Then we heard him scream and knew he was alive. Eugene stayed with Tara and the rest of us went back for him. Noah-" Her voice cracks.

Deanna waits patiently as Y/N takes a few more deep breaths.

"Noah and I held back the walkers as they tried getting Aiden free. Nicholas started to panic. He fled towards the front. Glenn tried to save your son but it was too late. We had to leave. We got to the front and got stuck in a revolving door. Nicholas and Glenn were on one side, me and Noah on the other." Y/N takes a sip from her glass of water, to try and relieve her scratchy throat.

"Glenn had a plan. He was gonna break the glass on their side and that way me and Noah could push our way out. It was gonna work. Then Nicholas panicked again. He pushed his way out. Walkers grabbed me. Noah... he saved me. He pushed himself into the walkers to protect me. I had to watch as they tore him apart."

Deanna lowers her head slightly. She's still taking in the loss of her own son. "How did you and Glenn get out?"

"His plan worked. He broke the glass and I was able to get out. I chased Nicholas down. He was trying to flee with the van. I pulled him out. I punched him. I kept hitting him. I didn't stop." She looks down at her bandaged hands.

"Then I took my knife and slammed it into his skull."

Deanna takes a deep breath. Y/N hugs tightly onto Noah's flannel. "I'm sorry about Aiden. We tried. It's all Nicholas's fault. If it wasn't for him, Aiden and Noah would still be alive right now. He deserved to die."

Deanna stops the recording before turning to look at her. "I believe you, Y/N."

Y/N looks up, in surprise. She honestly thought that Deanna would kick the group out. Kick her out. Two of her people are dead, one of her sons included.

Instead she stands, holding her arms out. "Why do you think I chose you to be my protege?"

Y/N stands up as well, hugging the woman tightly. "I'm so sorry."

Deanna gently rubs her back. "Me too."
That night, Y/N and Glenn sit with the rest of their group in one of the homes.

Glenn told everyone what happened. He spoke with Deanna as well.

She's distraught, for obvious reasons, but she knows that Nicholas was a wild card. She knows that he abandoned people when things got tough.

The next day, Alexandria comes together to host a funeral for the three lives lost. There are no bodies to bury, but they still dig graves, place rocks and flowers, and carve their names into crosses made out of wood.

Y/N sits in front of Noah's for hours. She now wears his flannel. She rubs her stomach absentmindedly as she reads the cross over and over again.

Noah Rhee.

People come by throughout the day to pay their respects. Glenn sits with her for a while. Carl too. Almost everyone from her group sits near her, silently at some point.

Deanna doesn't tell the Alexandrians what happened to Nicholas. She doesn't tell them that Y/N beat him and then killed him without hesitation.

She trusts Y/N. She knows that the decision had to be made. She doesn't exactly agree with it, but in a way she believes deep down that he deserved it too. Especially after abandoning her son to die.

Y/N is still sitting by Noah's grave when glass breaks in the distance. When the shouting begins. She quickly stands, rushing in the direction of the disturbance.

In the middle of the street, Rick is on top of the surgeon, Pete. He's beating him up.

Jessie, his wife, is crying. Others stand by not knowing what to do.

At one point, Pete flips over Rick. Jessie tries pulling him off and gets knocked to the ground.

Rosita and Y/N help the blonde stand as Carl tries to pull Rick away. He fails.

The fight rages on, until Deanna runs up. "Stop it. Stop it right now."

Rick has Pete in a chokehold. "You touch them again and I'll kill you."

Deanna shouts. "Damn it, Rick! I said stop."

"Or what?" He suddenly pulls out a gun. People back away. "You gonna kick me out?"

"Put that gun down, Rick."

His face is covered in blood. "You still don't get it. None of you do! We know what needs to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live."

He points at them. "You just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend like you know when you don't. You wish things weren't what they are. Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world. We have to control who lives here."

Deanna eyes him. "That's never been more clear to me than it is right now."

Rick laughs, pointing at his chest. "Me? Me? You mean me? Your way is gonna destroy this place. It's gonna get people killed. It's already gotten people killed. And i'm not just gonna stand by and just let it happen. If you don't fight, you die."

He goes to say something else when suddenly he gets knocked to the ground.

Michonne wipes a bead of sweat from her forehead, picking up the gun.

She walks up to Deanna, handing it to her.

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