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On the run~3rd person pov

A crash echoes through the magical tent as Ginny Weasley crashes into the kitchen counter. Her whole body aches. The bruises on her face will need to be covered up and the cuts on her arms will need to be bandaged. But for now, she just wants to go to sleep. She wants to forget about the night that has just occurred. She walks towards her room, stumbling over a chair as she does. She makes her way over to the door (which is more accurately a tent flap) before pulling it open. 

Harry has been waiting in Ginny's room for three hours. He's beginning to get worried when he hears a crash in the kitchen. He thinks nothing of it seeing as it's probably Ron who has a knack for stumbling over things in the dark. He continues to wait until her hears the tent flap to Ginny's room open. He immediately sits up straighter. He's going to confront her and ask whats going on when he makes eye contact with her. Her face is covered in cuts and bruises. She opens her mouth to say something but all that comes out is a sob before she breaks down in tears. Harry rushes to her side before leading her to the bed. She continues to cry before Jenny comes in with a tray of tea. 

"Harry I think it's best you leave," Jenny stated a hint of desperation in her voice. Harry turns to face Ginny. Asking with his eyes if he should leave. Ginny gives him a look of such desperation that when she shakes her head yes, Harry doesn't argue. After Harry leaves Ginny turns to Jenny.

"He's getting more and more desperate," Ginny says.

"Who?" Jenny questions. 

"Voldemort, I've been able to keep him out of my mind so far but he's getting more pushy. It's getting harder for me to make up the fact that I'm at school and not here. If... if he ever found out I was here Jen," Ginny says talking a calming breath.

"I know," Jenny comforts. 

"And it's only a matter of time before Harry finds out. What the hell am I supposed to tell him? Once he finds out I'm a death eater he'll never trust me again," Ginny states. Jenny looks at her with a pitying look before getting up.

"I don't know if I'm the best person to give you advice but I know for a fact that Harry loves you. And I know you love him and whether or not you tell him is up to you. But I think you should tell him. Better that then him finding out without you having the chance to explain. And if he does kick you out at least he'll be a little bit safer."

"Thank you Jenny, I swear I'll think about it," Ginny says. 

"Good. Good night Gin," Jenny says. 

"Night," Ginny replies and Jenny walks out.

As Jenny walks out she runs face first into Hermione, whose face tells Jenny that it's to late for Ginny to explain anything to Harry.

𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 (𝐀 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now