The end for me... "Drew Angst"

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Hello, so i recently rewritten this Story and Made it a lot better then before.
Hope you enjoy :)

WARNING: Mentioning of Suicide.

It was a Thursday morning. Drew was sitting at his desk dozing off. He watched as his ex friends talk about silly stuff and his girlfriend talking to a random girl she was sitting next too. He noticed Hailey talking with Lia. Jake was sitting next to him but kept quiet since he didn't want to upset Drew but he knew Drew was upset. Drew felt lost and numb he hadn't eaten that day and was crying the whole night. His eye bags were visible but he didn't care he was done with life. The school bell rang and lunch was now in session Drew headed out first and walked to the rooftop. He never really wanted to end himself before, it was a topic he never thought he would do he tried to cut himself once but failed to do so. He stares out and looks at the ground he then takes a deep breath and starts to climb.

Meanwhile Jake was walking to the lunch room he wanted to give Drew some space but something was telling him to go to the rooftop, when he entered the lunch room and saw Liam and Henry looking sad. He took it as a sign and turned his heels and walked back to the stairway to the rooftop he walked, then sprinted, something told him something was wrong.
He speed climbed the stairs and opened the door at the top there he saw Drew standing on the edge of the fence.
Jake' froze and his mind went Numb.

Drew let go of the fence and fell to his death.
Little did he know a teenage boy with peachy hair witnessed the sudden tragedy.

"DREW! Jake screamed He turns his heel and runs back down the stairs struggling to get his phone out of his jacket pocket.
"911 what's your emergency?"

Jake can't speak for a second it's like he's frozen, He takes a breath and continues while he runs down the hall "hello my Best Friend just jumped off the rooftop at Rosemeadow high school please He needs help, please hurry!"
"Alright stay Calm sir we are on are way"

Jake then hangs up the phone and is now at the door he pushes it open and runs towards the outside yard looking desperately for Drew. He sees him lying on the grass still. Jake runs Towards him.

"Drew..." Jake couldn't hold himself up any longer and fell to his knees beside Drew's body
"Why- why did- Jake then puts his head down and starts crying historically moments later the music club shows up.

"Jake!" Hailey screams and runs towards him she doesn't even noticed the dying Drew.
"Oh my gosh what happened are you ok?" Hailey says trying to lift Jake's face.
Jake pulls away and keeps looking down at Drew's dying face. Hailey notices and then hugs him.
Jake doesn't have the energy to move but he feels really uncomfortable, He stares into Drew's closed eyes and tears fall down even harder. "Don't leave me" Jake whispers half choking on his tears.
Soon The ambulance arrives and takes Drew on the stretcher.
"Can I ride with him please? Jake said worried he finally had the strength to get up and leave Hailey's stupid grasp.
"Are you family? The health care person says "I've been his Best Friend since grade 9" *although I haven't been the greatest friend tbh* Jake Thought
The health caretaker smiles "I can see you care about him like family you may come" Jake smiles sadly and hops in.

Minutes later they arrive at the hospital the nurses take Drew to the emergency room and Jake is left in the waiting room he stands for a second watching the stretcher with his Best friend in it leaving down the hall further and further away.

Jake waits in the room overthinking, he was so scared for Drew. "What if he doesn't make it?" "What am I gonna do.." I can't lose him.." "oh why did I treat him like this.." "I'm so stupid". An hour goes by and a doctor comes into the waiting room.
"Excuse me are you Jake Sterling friend of Andrew Williams?"

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