The End for me (Second version)

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WARNING: mentioning of suicide and Same sex relationship "READ AT YOUR OWN RISK"

It was a Thursday morning. Drew was sitting at his desk dozing off. He watched as his ex friends talk about silly stuff and his girlfriend talking to a girl named Maria. He noticed Hailey sitting next to Lia chatting away with her, He would assume Jake would be sitting somewhere else or with Hailey but instead Jake was sitting right next to him. He kept quiet thought because he didn't need Drew to be more upset than he already was. Drew felt lost and numb in his body, he had eaten little and was emotional most of the night, so he didn't get much sleep. Anybody looking at him could see his eye bags and pain in his eyes, if you looked hard enough. The school bell rang, and everyone headed for the cafeteria, but Drew turned right to the hallway to somewhere else, The Rooftop.

Meanwhile Jake was walking to the cafeteria for lunch himself, He wanted to chat with Henry and Liam for bit and maybe Drew as well. But when he saw Liam and Henry alone at their table, he decided against It and turned his heels to the rooftop his scarred place. He climbed the stairs and open the door to be faced with a terrifying sight, Drew standing on the edge, Jake froze, and his mind went numb. Drew then tilted his body and falls; little did he know a teenage boy with peachy hair witnessed the sudden tragedy. "DREW" Jake screamed he turned his heels back to the door and runs down the stairs and down the hall to the front door. He struggled to get his phone out of his pocket. "911 what's Your emergency?" Jake was out of breath, he took a breath and spoke as clear as he could "Hello a classmate of mine just jumped off the rooftop at Rosemeadow High School, he needs help please hurry!" "Alright stay calm sir we are on the way" Jake then hangs up the phone and pushes the front door open and runs frankly looking for drew. He sees him lying on the grass, Jake runs towards him.

"Drew..." Jake couldn't hold himself up and longer and falls to his knees besides Drew's lying body. "Why. why. did- "Jake's head droops down and he just closes his eyes trying not to scream or cry louder than he was aggressively wiping away his tears that just kept coming. "JAKE!?" Hailey screams running towards him not noticing Drew's dying body. 'Oh my gosh what happened, Are you okay? Hailey says as she lifts Jake's face to meet her. Jake pulls away and just continues to stare at Drew's dying face. Hailey turns to see what he was looking at and gasps in horror as she sees drew lying there. Jake stares into Drew's closed eyes and more tears fall from his face even harder. "Please...don't leave me..." Jake whispers half choking on his tears, Hailey hugs him hard with tears in her eyes as well. Soon the ambulance arrives and takes Drew on the stretcher. "Can I ride with him?" Jake said worried and still half crying. The Emergency Medical Technician smiled sadly "I can see you care about him like family you may come" Jake smiles and hops in the back with the lady.

Minutes later they arrive at the hospital and nurses take Drew to the emergency room while Jake is left in the waiting room, he stands there for a second watching the stretcher with his best friend in it, leaving down the hall further and further away from him. Jake waits in the waiting room overthinking, he was scared for Drew. "What if he doesn't make it?", "why did I treat him this way..." "I'm so stupid." An hour goes by, and a doctor comes out to the waiting room. "Excuse me young man, are you the friend of Drew Williams? Jake Sterling?" Jake jumps up from his chair "Yes, yes "I'm Jake Sterling" is he ok?" Jake says panic in his eyes and tears starting to form. "Your friend is going to be ok but- he is in very critical state so he will be in a lot of pain and slight confusion, but he will live. Jake sighed with relive and smiled to himself. "Okay thank you so much" May I please go see him? The doctor smiled "he isn't awake yet but yes you may go see him, he is in room 204" Jake nods and heads down the hall.

Jake walks into Drew's room, the sight of seeing his best friend so distraught and full of cuts and bruises, scars, broke him. Jake walked towards the bed rested drew. His face looked so different, he had looked so skinny from not eating and there were tear mark stans on his face although not very visible now. "Is this my fault?" Jake thought he walked closer to drew and took his hand that was resting on his side. "Hi, drew, I know you can't hear me but just know... I'm sorry for everything, you were there for me no matter what happened and yet I still pushed you away. I let my emotions and feelings get in the way of our relationship, our friendship. "I should've told you the truth. You didn't really do anything wrong towards me. You always put me first, and never yourself. And yet I still ignored you. You must have been so hurt... I've been a horrible friend to you Drew, but I'm going to make things right now, I promise".

Jake then leans closer and kisses Drew's forehead; he then leans back smiles and wipes away a tear from his eye. "I Love you" Jake then turns to the door and leaves Drew in peace. Two weeks go by, and Drew still hasn't awakened. Jake had band practice, but it wasn't enough to keep him from thinking about drew. Hailey would constantly tell Jake that "it was going to be alright" but he still couldn't focus. She decided to let him have a break from band practices until drew woke up or new about him came up. He went to the rooftop, his safe place, and the place his best friend almost took his life. He sat down having his back against the fence, writing notes in his little blue notebook. He flipped his pages when he came across, he sang in front of his other childhood crush, Daisy. The song was called "Melody" his band members believed the song was for her or even his friend Hailey, but they obviously didn't listen to the lyrics he wrote. He wanted to sing it to drew and tell him how he felt about him. He always cared about him he just got blinded by his hope to be able to be himself with his passion.

He visited Drew almost everyday telling him how his day was and how he misses him he swore he saw drew smile a couple of times. One day it was Jake's daily visit. Jake was losing hope in drew every waking at this point and it was stressing him out as he walked into the hospital towards the front desk. "hi I'm here for drew Williams. "Drew Williams?" Jake slightly frowned "yes, his room is 204 I was hoping to see him? "Hmm let me see here, yes drew Williams room 204, we have some great news he has awoken". "Wait really?!" Jake wanted to scream with joy, but he kept himself together. "He is a little groggy and just finished some sort of snack so please don't overwhelm him to much" he should be in his room resting". "I won't thank you so much" Jake said with glee, he sprinted down the hallway to Drew's door, He was so excited to finally see him awake again. He slowly opens the door to see the boy he loved reading a book with a gently sad face in his hospital bed. Jake sighed with relief and smiled so widely.

"Drew?" Jake said awkwardly as he stepped inside the room. Drew's head lift from his book and looks towards the voice. "j-jake?" Drew says voice groggily and eyes widened with confusion. "What are you doing here?" Jake runs towards him and squeezes him. "I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot, I treated you horribly" you given so much to me ever since I met you. and I truly feel so loved around you I really do, I'm so sorry I made it look like I didn't care about you. I was just so scared that if you knew the truth about me you would leave me... call me a freak... Jake sighs and continues. "This is my fault drew I never meant for this to happen, and I want to make it right, starting with showing you how I feel about you. Jake then takes Drew's cheek and looks him in the eyes. He then closes his eyes and presses his lips against Drew's at first Drew is shocked but melts into the kiss. They break apart "I love you Drew, and I always did, It just took me a stupid amount of time to see it. "Love is stupid sometimes" drew says snickering. Drew then stares into Jake's eyes. Jake smiles widely with tears running down his face again.

"I love you too Jake" Months later. "Drew is out of the hospital and Jake went back to the club, He brought drew along with him.

"And that's how far I got with the story because it was hard to write" Jake says with a sad smile. The class clapped. "Thank you, Jake, and what inspired you to write such a heartwarming story. Jake takes a deep breath and sighs "I guess it's the ending I wanted for my best friend who unfortunately is no longer... with me. The class gasps and whispers start, Jake continues. "Drew Williams was one of my best friends and he... committed suicide this past year... I witnessed it. Jake then shakily breathes in and out and continues, "I wrote this story for mostly myself to feel a little better about the situation and mainly because-

I loved him.

{Hii this wasn't the original ending for this story but I wrote it with a twist because it was for school and it needed to have a plot twist and stuff, I also wrote this when my love for drake was basically shattered and believed Jake never loved Drew

And that fact is.. that's not true at all
I believe these two will be canon

Not afraid to say it if I'm wrong I'm wrong.
Alright see ya }

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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